.NET Resources graph

This graph shows the resource usage of .NET methods as a function of the elapsed load test scenario time.

Each .NET method is represented by a different colored line on the graph. The legend frame (located below the graph) identifies the methods by color:

You can monitor .NET counters at the application, assembly, class, and method levels. Measurements that take place before the application is fully loaded (such as Assembly Load Time, that measures the time it takes to load an assembly) are not measured.

The following tables describe the counters that can be measured at each level. All durations are reported in seconds, and all frequencies are reported per five-second polling periods. For example, if 20 events occur in a 5 second polling period, the reported frequency is 4.

Application level

Measurement Description

Application Lifetime

Monitors the duration of the application in seconds.

Exception Frequency

Monitors the number of exceptions per second, in the five second polling period.

JIT (Just In Time) Duration

Monitors the time (in seconds) it takes for the JIT to compile code.

Thread Creation Frequency

Monitors the number of threads that are created in a polling period.

Thread Lifetime

Monitors the duration of threads.

Domain Creation Frequency

Monitors the number of domain creations in a polling period. (Domains protect areas of code. All applications run in a domain which keeps them encapsulated, so that they cannot interfere with other applications outside the domain.)

Domain Load Time

Monitors the time it takes to load a domain. (Domains protect areas of code. All applications run in a domain which keeps them encapsulated, so that they cannot interfere with other applications outside the domain).

Domain Unload Time

Monitors the time it takes to unload a domain. (Domains protect areas of code. All applications run in a domain which keeps them encapsulated, so that they cannot interfere with other applications outside the domain).

Domain Lifetime

Monitors the duration of a domain. (Domains protect areas of code. All applications run in a domain which keeps them encapsulated, so that they cannot interfere with other applications outside the domain).

Module Creation Frequency

Monitors the number of modules that get created in a polling period. (Modules are groups of assemblies that make up a DLL or EXE).

Module Load Time

Monitors the time it takes to load a module. (Modules are groups of assemblies that make up a dll or exe).

Module Unload Time

Monitors the time it takes to unload a module. (Modules are groups of assemblies that make up a dll or exe).

Module Lifetime

Monitors the duration of a module. (Modules are groups of assemblies that make up a dll or exe).

Garbage Collection Duration

Monitors the duration between the start and stop of Garbage Collection.

Garbage Collection Frequency

Monitors the number of breaks for Garbage Collections in a polling period.

Unmanaged Code Duration

Monitors the duration of the calls to unmanaged code.

Unmanaged Code Frequency

Monitors the number of calls to unengaged code in a polling period.

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Assembly level

Measurement Description

Assembly Creation Frequency

Monitors the number of assembly creations in a polling period. (Assemblies hold the .NET byte code and metadata).

Assembly Load Time

Monitors the time it takes to load an assembly. (Assemblies hold the .NET byte code and metadata).

Assembly Unload Time

Monitors the time it takes to unload an assembly. (Assemblies hold the .NET byte code and metadata).

Assembly Lifetime

Monitors the duration of an assembly. (Assemblies hold the .NET byte code and metadata).

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Class level

Measurement Description

Class Lifetime

Monitors the duration of a class.

Class Load Time

Monitors the time it takes to load a class.

Class Unload Time

Monitors the time it takes to unload a class.

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Method level

At the method level, the measured time is per method, exclusive of other methods, calls to unmanaged code, and garbage collection time.

Measurement Description

Method Duration

Monitors the duration of a method.

Method Frequency

Monitors the number of methods called in a polling period.

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See also: