Report Templates - Content tab

This tab enables you to select the content items to include in the report and configure each item accordingly.

To access

Reports > New Report > Content tab


Reports > Report Templates > Content tab

See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Add Content. Opens the Add Content Items pane. Select one or more items from the grid and click OK.
Delete Content. Removes the selected items from the Content Items pane.
Reorder. Reorders the content items, determining how they are shown in the report.
Contents Item pane

A list of the content items to be included in the report.

  • To add more items, click the Add Content button.
  • To learn about a content item, select it and view the information in the Description pane beneath it.
<Configuration pane>

Settings for the selected content item. The components and tabs in this pane vary, based on the selected content item.

  • Parameters tab. Settings such as integer values for percentiles or number of elements.
  • Columns tab. Allows you to select the columns to include in the report. To include a column, make sure it appears in the Selected Columns pane.
  • Filter tab. Allows you to enter criteria for including a specific range of a measurement.
  • Text area. A rich text box for enter free text, such as in a Placeholder Section or an Executive Summary.

Tip: For the Performance Summary content item, you can retrieve different information about transactions such as the total number of passed or failed transactions. The item, Weighted Average of Transaction Response time is calculated based on the following formula: Round (Sum of Average value in transaction response time / Sum of transactions). For example if you have three transactions with the response times of 0.005, 0.004, and 0.003, the weighted Average of Transaction Response Time is Round((0.005 + 0.004 + 0.003)/3) = 0.004

Generate Report Generates the report according to your settings.

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