Average Latency graph

This graph shows the average recorded time required for a packet of data to travel from the indicated source point to the required destination, measured in milliseconds in the last 60 seconds.

Purpose Helps you evaluate the time required for a packet of data to travel over the network.
X-axis Elapsed time since the start of the run.
Y-axis The average latency—the time in milliseconds required for a packet of data to reach its destination, per 60 second intervals.
Note You cannot change the granularity of the x-axis to a value that is less than the web granularity you defined in the General tab of the Options dialog box.

For Analysis (not applicable to monitoring graphs):

To view information for a specific location:

  1. Click within the graph.
  2. Select Set Filter/ Sort By from the right-click menu to open the Graph Settings dialog box.
  3. In the Filter condition section, select the Location Name row, and select the relevant location from the drop-down list.
See also

If you enabled Network Virtualization per load generator (and not per group), the graph shows the measurements per load generator, as shown in the Packet Loss graph.

Example - Network Virtualization Per Group

In the following example, you can see that the latency for the USA group reached its peak at nearly 4 minutes into the scenario run, while the Ukraine group remained fairly constant at approximately 14 msec.

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