Packet Loss graph
This graph shows packets lost during the last second of the scenario run. Packet loss occurs when data packets fail to reach their destination. It can result from gateway overload, signal degradation, channel congestion, or faulty hardware.
Purpose | Helps you understand how many data packets were lost over a specific time interval. |
X-axis | Elapsed time since the start of the run. |
Y-axis |
The following measurements:
Note | You cannot change the granularity of the x-axis to a value that is less than the web granularity you defined in the General tab of the Options dialog box. |
Tip |
For Analysis (not applicable to monitoring graphs): To view information for a specific location:
See also | Network Virtualization graphs |
Example - Network Virtualization Per Group
The following example shows how the total of packet loss for the USA group increased as the scenario progressed.
Example - Network Virtualization per Load Generator
In the following example, you can see that the packet loss is grouped by load generator. This was the mode selected when you enabled Network Virtualization for the scenario.