Average Bandwidth Utilization graph

This graph shows the average bandwidth utilized by a virtual user or a virtualized location from the maximal available bandwidth allocated for it during the last second, measured in percentages.

Purpose Helps you evaluate the bandwidth used over your network.
X-axis Elapsed time since the start of the run.
Y-axis The percentage of bandwidth utilization.
Note You cannot change the granularity of the x-axis to a value that is less than the web granularity you defined in the General tab of the Options dialog box.

For Analysis (not applicable to monitoring graphs):

To view information for a specific location:

  1. Click within the graph.
  2. Select Set Filter/ Sort By from the right-click menu to open the Graph Settings dialog box.
  3. In the Filter condition section, select the Location Name row, and select the relevant location from the drop-down list.
See also Network Virtualization graphs


In the following example, you can see that the bandwidth utilization for all locations and measurements, was constant at 10%.

If you enabled Network Virtualization per load generator (and not per group), the graph shows the measurements per load generator, as shown in the Packet Loss graph.

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