Finance ISO graphs

Finance ISO graphs provide statistics about ISO message flow and throughput between the client and the server during a load test scenario run.

Finance ISO Message Rate graph

Displays the number of messages sent (Send rate) and received (Receive rate) per second, at any given time during the scenario run.


Elapsed time since the start of the run.


Number of messages published or received, per second.

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Finance ISO Throughput graph

Displays the amount of data (in bytes) that is sent (Send throughput) or received (Receive throughput) through the LrJposChannel at any given time during the scenario run.


Elapsed time since the start of the run.


Throughput through the LrJposChannel, in bytes per second.

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Finance ISO Response Duration graph

Displays the time between a message being sent and its corresponding response received.

This measurement is available only if the message receives a response, and if the messages are sent and received using high-level functions, and not low-level functions. For example, using send (LrISOMsg message) and receive(), and notsend(byte[] b), getBytes(byte[] b).

The measurement requires a correct match of the request/response pair. The pairing is based on data element 11 of the ISO-8583 standard, a field containing a unique System Trace Audit Number (STAN). If the field does not contain a standard-compliant STAN, the pairing will fail, and the graph will not be valid.


Elapsed time since the start of the run.


Average response time, in milliseconds.

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See also: