Service Virtualization graphs

The Service Virtualization graphs are similar to the corresponding monitors used by Controller. For details, see Service Virtualization monitors.

Service Virtualization Operations graph

This graph displays a summary for Service Virtualization - Operations.


The elapsed time from the beginning of the scenario run.


The number of resources used.

  • To isolate the measurement with the most problems, it may be helpful to sort the legend window according to the average number of resources used. To sort the legend by average, double-click the Average column heading.

  • To identify a measurement in the graph, you can select it. The corresponding line in the legend window is selected.

Note To use this graph, you must first open an OpenText Service Virtualization project in Controller.
See also

Web Page Diagnostics Graph


Using the graph, you can track which resources were most problematic, and at which point(s) during the scenario the problem(s) occurred.

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Service Virtualization Services graph

This graph displays a summary for Service Virtualization - Services.


The elapsed time from the beginning of the scenario run.


The number of resources used.

  • To isolate the measurement with the most problems, it may be helpful to sort the legend window according to the average number of resources used. To sort the legend by average, double-click the Average column heading.

  • To identify a measurement in the graph, you can select it. The corresponding line in the legend window is selected.

Note To use this graph, you must first open a OpenText Service Virtualization project in the Controller scenario.
See also

Web Page Diagnostics Graph


Using the graph, you can track which resources were most problematic, and at which point(s) during the scenario the problem(s) occurred.

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See also: