Customize the Analysis display

You can customize the display of the graphs and measurements in your session so that you can view the data displayed in the most effective way possible.

To customize the graph display:

  1. Enlarging a section of the graph: To zoom in or enlarge a section of the graph, move and hold down the left mouse button over the section of the graph you want to enlarge.

  2. Add comments

    • To add a comment to a graph, click the toolbar's Add Comment button . Click the section of the graph where you would like to add a comment. Type your comment in the Add Comment dialog box.

    • To edit, format, or delete a comment from the graph, click the comment and apply your change in the Edit Comments dialog box. In the left pane, verify the relevant comment is selected before you edit, format or delete.

  3. Add arrows

    • To add an arrow to a graph, click the Draw Arrow button . Click within the graph to position the base of the arrow.

    • To delete an arrow from a graph, select the arrow and press Delete.

  4. Add user notes

    • Select Windows > User Notes to open the User Notes pane. Enter text about the graph or report that is currently open. The text i is saved with the session.

    • To view the text that you entered for a specific graph or report, select the relevant graph or report and open the User Notes window (Windows > User Notes).

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