Known issues for Analysis
This section contains troubleshooting and known issues for Analysis.
- If the behavior of Analysis is unpredictable and unexpected messages appear, this might be a result of UAC Virtualization having been enabled for Analysis. You can deactivate UAC Virtualization on the Analysis.exe process in the Windows Task Manager.
- Analysis API works only on x86 platforms. If you are using Visual Studio, define the platform as x86 in the project options.
- When analyzing results from a load test in which the web Vusers accesses the AUT through a proxy server, the Time to First Buffer Breakdown graph shows only zero values for Network Time and Server Time. This is because the "time to first buffer" metric is turned off when working behind a proxy, and the time values can only be calculated to the proxy server.
Load results that contain transactions with the '@' or ',' characters may conflict with existing transactions. This is because Analysis attempts to replace those characters with the '_', and if this results in a transaction name conflict, an error occurs.
Workaround: Avoid using the '@' and ',' characters in transaction names.
- The following Analysis default settings have been modified: Include Think Time is disabled and Display summary while generating complete data is enabled.
- When exporting Analysis reports to MS Word, the content load may affect the table format within the document. The recommended format is RTF.
- If the results take a long time to load, make sure that the Use cached file to store data option in Tools > Options > General tab is disabled. You should only enable this for very large result files. For details, see Options dialog box.
When the Analysis results consists of a large number of similar measurements, you may experience spikes in graphs, or an Out of memory message.
Workaround: For 64-bit Windows, make sure that you have 4 GB or more memory. For 32-bit Windows, select Start > Run, and type msconfig. In the Boot tab, click Advanced Options. Select Maximum memory and set it to the maximum value.
The Transaction Response Time (Percentile) graph may show inaccurate results.
- Close the Analysis application.
- Open the <installdir>\bin\dat\percentile.def file
- In the [Graph Definition] section, set BasicTableName to an empty string:
[Graph Definitions]
BasicTableName= - Open Analysis again and view the graph.
OpenText Application Quality Management integration
When trying to save an Analysis session to the OpenText Application Quality Management repository with CAC on IIS, you may encounter an error message indicating that the session cannot be saved and that the connection is unavailable.
Workaround: Increase the size of the uploadReadAHeadSize parameter to 16 MB or higher, and restart IIS. You can use the command line:
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site" -section:system.webServer/ServerRuntime /uploadReadAheadSize:16777216 /commit:apphost
Microsoft SQL server
- If you are using your own policy in an MS SQL server, you may need to add your own account to the Analysis database template (in the <installdir>\bin\dat folder).
Analysis may fail to load results created through an MS SQL database, if the decimal separator on the Analysis machine is different from the decimal separator on the MS SQL Server machine (common on non-English operating systems).
Workaround: Change the decimal separator on Analysis machine to be the same as the MS SQL Server machine.
- Filtering of transactions for MS Access and SQL queries is limited to 100 transactions.
- For additional tips relating to SQL Server setup, see Send Help Center Feedback.
See also: