Analysis user interface

This section describes the Analysis toolbars and Session Explorer, and customizing Analysis window layouts.

Analysis toolbars

The Analysis toolbars provide quick access to Analysis tools and functions.

Common toolbar

This toolbar is always accessible from the toolbar at top of the page and includes the following buttons:

Toolbar button Function

Create a new session.

Open an existing session.

Generate a Cross Result graph.

Save a session.

Print the currently selected item.

Create an HTML report.

View the runtime settings.

Set a global filter.
Configure SLA rules.

Analyze a transaction.

Undo the most recent action.

Reapply the last action that was undone.
Apply a filter to the Summary page (when the Summary page is open).
Export Summary to Excel.

Graph toolbar

These additional buttons are shown in the toolbar when a graph is open:

Toolbar button Function

Define filter settings for the active graph.

Clear all filters for the active graph.

Set the granularity for the active graph.

Merge graphs.

Configure the auto correlation settings.

View the raw data.

Add comments to a graph, to appear as a quip inside the graph.

Open the drawing tool to add arrows to a graph.

Set the display options.

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Session Explorer pane

This Session Explorer pane displays a tree view of the graphs and reports available for the current session. When you select an item in the Session Explorer, it is shown in the main window.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • Session Explorer
  • Session Explorer > Reports > Summary Report
  • Session Explorer > Reports >Service Level Agreement Report
  • Session Explorer > > Analyze Transaction
  • Session Explorer > Graphs

Use the toolbar buttons to mange the graphs and reports.

Toolbar button Function

Opens a menu with the following options:

  • Add a new graph

  • Analyze Transaction

  • Analyze SLA

  • New Report

For details, see Open a New Graph dialog box.

Delete the selected graph or report.

Rename item button

Rename the selected graph or report.

Duplicate item button

Create a copy of the selected graph.

Reorder buttons

Reorder the selected graph.

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Analysis window layouts

This section describes ways to customize the layout of the windows for the Analysis session.

Open windows

You can open a window or restore a window that was closed by selecting the name of the relevant window from the Windows menu.

Lock/unlock the layout of the screen

Select Windows > Layout Locked to lock or unlock the layout of the screen.

Restore the window placement to the default layout

Select Windows > Restore Default Layout to restore the placement of the Analysis windows to their default layout.

Note: This option is available only when there is no Analysis session open.

Restore the window placement to the classic layout

Select Windows > Restore Classic Layout to restore the placement of the Analysis windows to their classical layout.

Note: This option is available only when there is no open session.

Reposition and dock windows

You can reposition any window by dragging it to the required position on the screen. You can dock a window by dragging the window and using the arrows of the guide diamond to dock the window in the required position.

  • Only document windows (graphs or reports) can be docked in the center portion of the screen.

  • Windows > Layout Locked must not be selected when repositioning or docking windows.

Using Auto Hide

You can use the Auto Hide feature to minimize open windows that are not in use. The window is minimized along the edges of the screen.

Click the Auto Hide button on the title bar of the window to enable or deactivate Auto Hide.

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