Data Aggregation Configuration dialog box

If you choose to generate the complete data from the load lest scenario results, Analysis aggregates the data using either built-in data aggregation formulas, or aggregation settings that you define. The Data Aggregation Configuration dialog box enables you to define custom aggregation settings.

To access

Select Tools > Options > Result Collection tab. Select the Apply user-defined aggregation option and click the Aggregation Configuration button.

For details, see Result Collection tab.

Important information In this dialog box, you can select granularity settings. To reduce the size of the database, increase the granularity. To focus on more detailed results, decrease the granularity.

The following table lists the aggregation options.

Option Description
Aggregate Data

Select this option to define your custom aggregation settings using the following criteria:

  • Select the type of data to aggregate. Use the check boxes to select the types of graphs for which you want to aggregate data.

  • Select graph properties to aggregate. Use the check boxes to select the graph properties you want to aggregate.

  • To exclude data from failed Vusers, select Do not aggregate failed Vusers.

    Note: You cannot drill down from the graph properties you select in this list.

  • Select the granularity you want to use. Specify a custom granularity for the data. The minimum granularity is 1 second.

Web data aggregation only

Select this option to aggregate web data only. In the Use Granularity of X for Web data box, specify a custom granularity for web data.

The minimum granularity is 1 second. By default, Analysis summarizes web measurements every 5 seconds.

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