OpenText Application Quality Management Connection dialog box

This dialog box enables you to connect to an OpenText Application Quality Management project from within Controller.

To access
Tools > ALM Connection
Important information

You can connect to one version of OpenText Application Quality Management from Controller and a different version from your browser.

Note: Before you connect to results through this dialog box, it is recommended that you first connect to the OpenText Application Quality Management server through your browser. This automatically downloads the client files to your computer.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Step 1: Connect to Server
  • Server URL. The URL of the server on which OpenText Application Quality Management is installed.

  • Reconnect to server on startup. Automatically reconnect to the server every time you start Controller.

  • Connect / Disconnect. Connects to the server specified in the Server URL box. Only one button is visible at a time, depending on your connection status.

Step 2: Authenticate User Information

Note: Step 2 is only active after you successfully connect to a server.

  • User name. Your OpenText Application Quality Management user name.

  • Password. Your password.

  • Authenticate on startup. Authenticates your user information automatically, the next time you open the application. This option is available only if you selected Reconnect to server on startup above.

  • Authenticate. Authenticates your user information against the server.

  • After your user information has been authenticated, the fields in the Authenticate user information area are displayed in read-only format. The Authenticate button changes to Change User.
    You can log in to the same server using a different user name by clicking Change User, entering a new user name and password, and then clicking Authenticate again.
Step 3: Login to Project
  • Domain. The domain that contains the OpenText Application Quality Management project. Only those domains containing projects to which you have permission to connect to are displayed.

  • Project. Enter the project name or select a project from the list. Only those projects that you have permission to connect to are displayed.

  • Login to project on startup. This option is enabled only when the Authenticate on startup check box is selected.

  • Keep project connection alive. Keeps the project connection alive even when you log out.

  • Login / Logout. Logs into and out of the project.

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See also: