Messages 27001 Through 27100
Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.
Message Code 27077
The "vuser_init" section contains web function(s) when the "Simulate a new user on each iteration" Runtime Setting is ON. This may produce unpredictable results with multiple iterations
This is a warning message when running more than one iteration in the Web Replay "user model". This can occur when:
- Each iteration emulates a new user accessing the site. In this case, the Init (and End) Sections should be empty, and any "context" (remainders from a previous iteration) should be "reset" before starting a new iteration.
- Each iteration emulates a single user doing the same business processes over and over again, with variations (parameterizations) – for example, a banking clerk opening an account, or transferring money. The "login" can be recorded in the Init Section, and "logout" in the End Section. Here any "context" is NOT reset.
- The "Simulate a new user on each iteration" runtime setting distinguishes between these possibilities. When it is "ON", the Init Section should be empty. When it is "OFF", the first web function in the Action Section probably assumes that some preparations (e.g., "login") have been performed in the Init Section. This works fine in the first iteration, but before the second (and any following) iteration, any "context" is reset, and the script may fail.
Message Code 27079
Adding cookie 'cookie' failed (registered via web_reg_add_cookie)
This cookie has previously been registered for a delayed addition using the web_reg_add_cookie function. The syntax of the cookie is probably incorrect. The most common errors are in the "expires" field.
- When the problem with the cookie has been identified, look for a previous web_reg_add_cookie call specifying the cookie, and perform the correction there.
Message Code 27088
Failed to load the 'library name' auto-correlation callback library. 'string'
Unable to load the specified auto-correlation callback library. Installation may not complete successfully.
- Try to resolve the problem by addressing the issue specified in the reason.
- Verify that the specified library exists in the <installdir>\bin directory and/or in the PATH.
- If that fails, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the internal error message returned.
Message Code 27089
RAW_BODY_END, which should be argument number 'the position of the parameter passed to the function' (following RAW_BODY_START, char * address and int length) is missing or not accessible
The RAW_BODY_START argument should be followed by two arguments (a "char *" expression and an "int" expression), and then RAW_BODY_END. The RAW_BODY_END argument has not been specified, or was misplaced (e.g., missing address and/or length).
- Verify that RAW_BODY_START is followed by an address, a length, and RAW_BODY_END.
Message Code 27090
The raw body arguments, char * address='char address' and int length='int length', following the RAW_BODY_START argument number 'argument_list_ld', are missing or specify an inaccessible storage area
The RAW_BODY_START argument should be followed by two arguments — a "char *" expression and an "int" expression. Either one of these has not been specified, or the memory referenced by the address and the length is inaccessible.
- Check that the two expressions have been specified, and that they are in the correct order.
- Ensure that the address and length are valid.
Message Code 27091
No filtering argument specified
The web_add_filter or web_add_auto_filter function was called without specifying any filtering criteria.
- Add filtering criteria to the function or remove the function call.
Message Code 27092
The "web_set_certificate" function is supported under Windows only. Use the "web_set_certificate_ex" function instead
The web_set_certificate function is not supported in UNIX.
- Use the web_set_certificate_ex function instead.
Message Code 27095
Failed to compile proxy automatic configuration script (URL='URL')
Failed to compile the Proxy Automatic Configuration script. The proxy script URL can be explicitly specified in the runtime settings, or obtained from the default browser settings.
- See previous messages for locating the problem, and correct the script.
- Deactivate the proxy automatic configuration script. Open Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: Proxy, and deactivate Use custom proxy.
Message Code 27098
Could not download the proxy automatic configuration script (URL='URL'). See previous messages. Refer to the 'Runtime settings/Internet Protocol/Proxy'
Failed to download the Proxy Automatic Configuration script. The proxy script URL can be explicitly specified in the runtime settings, or obtained from the default browser settings.
- See previous messages.
- Check the URL in the runtime settings or the default browser's settings:
To check the runtime settings: Open Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: Proxy, and ensure that Use custom proxy, Use automatic configuration script Address are selected, and that the correct path and name of a proxy automatic configuration (pac) script are specified.
To check the default browser's settings: Open Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: Proxy, and ensure that Use the default HTTP proxy settings is selected. The URL is specified in the settings of your default browser. For Internet Explorer, this is found in Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings, Use automatic configuration script Address.
Message Code 27099
Address (URL='URL') of the proxy automatic configuration script does not start with "http:" / "https:" / "ftp:". See the 'Runtime settings/Internet Protocol/Proxy'
An invalid URL was specified as the address of a Proxy Automatic Configuration script. The URL must start with "http:", "https:" or "ftp:". The proxy script URL can be explicitly specified in the runtime settings, or obtained from the default browser settings.
Correct the URL in the runtime settings or the default browser's settings:
- To use the runtime settings: Open Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: Proxy, and click Use custom proxy. Select Use automatic configuration script Address, and specify the path and name of a proxy automatic configuration (pac) script.
To use the default browser's settings: Open Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: Proxy, and click Use the default HTTP proxy settings. The URL is specified in the settings of your default browser. For Internet Explorer, this is found in Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings, Use automatic configuration script Address.
Note: If the script is to be run on other machines using the same URL, it is recommended that you specify the URL in the virtual user's runtime settings, and not rely on the default browser (or its settings) being the same on all target machines.