Messages 32401 Through 32600
Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.
Message Code 32549
Failed to remove a ContentCheck file ('file name') (os_remove_file rc='return code')
A ContentCheck file is automatically deleted when it is empty. Unable to delete the specified ContentCheck file.
- Make a backup copy of the specified file, and then try to manually delete the original file.
- If you are unable to delete the file, change the file permissions, or terminate the applications that are using it, and try again.
Message Code 32550
Invalid Mark value ('internal value') for Application 'application name'
Internal Error.
- Contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error code returned.
Message Code 32552
Could not open file 'file name' for writing
- Check the file permissions for the operating system user under which the replay process runs.
Message Code 32553
Could not open file 'file name' for reading
- Verify that the specified file exists.
- Check the file permissions for the operating system user under which the replay process runs.
Message Code 32566
Failed to add rule 'rule name' to the Application 'application name'
Unable to add a rule to the application, because a rule with the same name already exists. Possible reasons: (i) The user interface invalidly generated the XML file. (ii) The user manually edited the XML file.
- Check if there is another rule with the same name in the List of Applications and Rules (Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck). If there is, delete or rename the listed rule.
- Undo any manual changes that you have made to the ContentCheck XML file.
- Disable ContentCheck: In VuGen, select Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck, and clear the Enable ContentCheck during replay check box.
- If this does not solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32567
Failed to add rule 'rule name' to the Application 'application name' (before line 'line number', column 'column number' in file 'file name')
Unable to add a rule to the application, because a rule with the same name already exists. Possible reasons: (i) The user interface invalidly generated the XML file. (ii) The user manually edited the XML file.
- Check if there is another rule with the same name in the List of Applications and Rules (Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck). If there is, delete or rename the listed rule.
- Undo any manual changes that you have made to the ContentCheck XML file.
- Disable ContentCheck: In VuGen, select Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck, and clear the Enable ContentCheck during replay check box.
- If this does not solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32568
Failed to add Application 'Application name'
Unable to add an application, since an application with the same name already exists. Possible reasons: (i) The user interface invalidly generated the XML file. (ii) The user manually edited the XML file.
- Check if there is another application with the same name in the List of Applications and Rules (Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck). If there is, delete or rename the listed Application.
- Undo any manual changes you have made to the ContentCheck XML file.
- Disable ContentCheck: In VuGen, select Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck, and clear the Enable ContentCheck during replay check box.
- If this does not solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32570
Function 'function name' failed. (rc='return code', errno='error code ID')
The specified system function failed.
- Disable ContentCheck: In VuGen, select Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck, and clear the Enable ContentCheck during replay check box.
- If this does not solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32572
Invalid return-code from a ContentCheck function
An internal function has returned an invalid code.
- Disable ContentCheck: In VuGen, select Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: ContentCheck, and clear the Enable ContentCheck during replay check box.
- If this does not solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32590
Insufficient memory
There were insufficient memory resources for performing an operation.
- Check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes running on the machine.
- Restart the computer and replay the script again.
Message Code 32596
'Error description' (in line 'line number', column 'column number' in file 'filename')
An error has been detected in the specified ContentCheck XML file. Possible reasons: (i) The user manually edited the ContentCheck XML file. (ii) The XML file was created by a later version.
- Try to resolve the error based upon the error description provided. Make a backup copy of the file before trying to troubleshoot the original file. Save any changes to the file, and run the script again.
- If you are unable to solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32597
Invalid/misplaced attribute ('attribute', value 'value') in element 'element' (in file 'filename')
An attribute in the ContentCheck XML file is either invalid or misplaced.The error was found in the specified element. Elements and attributes are formatted as <ELEMENT name=value> or <ELEMENT name> (empty value). Possible reasons: (i) The user manually edited the ContentCheck XML file. (ii) The XML file was created by a later version.
- Try to resolve the invalid/misplaced attribute in the specified file. Make a backup copy of the file before trying to edit or delete the offending attribute from the original file. Save any changes to the file, and run the script again.
- If you are unable to solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Message Code 32598
Invalid/misplaced attribute ('attribute', value 'value') in element 'element' (before line 'line number', column 'column number' in file 'filename')
An attribute in the ContentCheck XML file is either invalid or misplaced. The error was found at the specified line and column. Elements and attributes are formatted as <ELEMENT name=value> or <ELEMENT name> (empty value). Possible reasons may be: (i) The user manually edited the ContentCheck XML file. (ii) The XML file was created by a later version.
- Try to resolve the invalid/misplaced attribute in the specified file. Make a backup copy of the file before trying to edit or delete the problematic attribute from the original file. Save any changes to the file, and run the script again.
- If you are unable to solve the problem, contact customer support and provide them with the error message and any other applicable details.