Messages 84801 Through 85000

Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.

Message Code 84801

Error: Load Generator does not exist

No load generator was defined to take part in the scenario.


  • Define a load generator to run in the scenario: In Controller, open the Load Generators dialog box (Scenario > Load Generators), and click Add. Enter the name of the load generator you want to take part in the scenario.

Message Code 84802

The load generator 'load generator' is disabled.

The specified load generator was not enabled to take part in the scenario.


  • Enable the load generator: In Controller, open the Load Generators dialog box (Scenario > Load Generators), and select the specified load generator. Click Enable to enable the load generator to take part in the scenario.

Message Code 84803

You do not have a license for this Vuser type. Please contact customer support to renew your license.


  • Check your OpenText Professional Performance Engineering license to verify which Vuser types you are licensed to use.
  • Contact customer support to renew your license.

Message Code 84806

Load Generator failed.

The load generator was disconnected due to an unknown error.


  • Try to reconnect the load generator: In Controller, open the Load Generators dialog box (Scenario > Load Generators), click Connect, and run the scenario again. If connectivity problems persist, refer to the connectivity troubleshooting.

Message Code 84807

Invalid load generator.

Unable to connect the load generator due to an unknown error.


  • Try to reconnect the load generator: In Controller, open the Load Generators dialog box (Scenario > Load Generators), click Connect, and run the scenario again. If connectivity problems persist, refer to the connectivity troubleshooting.

Message Code 84809

Insufficient records in table 'table name' to provide the Vuser with unique data.

The table of unique parameters does not have sufficient rows to provide Vusers with unique data.


  • Add rows to the unique parameters table: Open the script in VuGen (View Script), and in the tree view, double-click the step using parameterization. Click the table icon to the right of the parameter to see the parameter properties. In the Parameter List dialog box, click Edit and add rows to the file containing the parameter data.

Message Code 84812

The load generator is currently running the maximum number of Vusers of this type.

By default, Controller sets the default Vuser limit for each host to 1000.


  • Check the number of Vusers defined for this load generator: In Controller, open the Load Generators dialog box (Scenario > Load Generators), and click Details. Select the Vuser Limits tab to view the maximum number of Vusers set for each Vuser type. Increase this number if necessary (provided you have additional licensed Vusers), or reduce the number of Vusers defined in the scenario goal.

Message Code 84814

The Vuser has no script, or the script's path is invalid.

Some of the Vusers were abnormally terminated due to a problem on the load generator.


  • Check that the selected script path is valid. If it is, try running the scenario again.

Message Code 84815

Invalid load generator name - 'load generator'.

The load generator name is either empty, or uses invalid characters.


  • Enter a valid load generator name: In Controller, select Scenario > Load Generators, and enter a valid name. The following characters are invalid and cannot be used: :;&*\"/#~,?{}$%|<>+-=`'@^()[].

Message Code 84816

The Vuser script cannot run on this load generator platform.


  • Check that all Vusers are set to run on a load generator with the correct platform settings (Scenario > Generators).

Message Code 84817

Failed to 'string'. Reason: TimeOut.

The load generator or Vuser did not complete a command within the timeout interval.


  • Check the timeout settings: In Controller, open the Options dialog box (Tools > Options), and click the Timeout tab. Check the Load Generator and Vuser connection time limits, and extend if necessary.