OpenText Application Quality Management Errors
This section describes troubleshooting for the following OpenText Application Quality Management errors:
Cannot Set Scenario Status
Cannot set scenario status in OpenText Application Quality Management project.
Unable to update the run scenario status (passed/failed) due to internal error.
- Check that OpenText Application Quality Management is running: The OpenText Application Quality Management Connection icon is displayed in the status bar if OpenText Professional Performance Engineering is currently connected to an OpenText Application Quality Management project.
- Download the run results from OpenText Application Quality Management, and check that all results (except for run status) were uploaded. If some of the results are missing, run the scenario again.
Result Directory - Cannot Create Results Directory in Project
Cannot create results 'results' in cycle 'cycle' OpenText Application Quality Management project.
Unable to create a results directory in the project.
- Check that OpenText Application Quality Management is running: The Connection icon is displayed in the status bar if OpenText Professional Performance Engineering is currently connected to a project.
- Check that you have permissions to create directories in the project.