Result File/Directory Errors
This section describes troubleshooting for the following result file/directory errors:
Result Files - Written to Old Directory
Warning: Some of the result files were already written to the old directory. Changing the result path might cause the Analysis to fail.
OpenText Professional Performance Engineering cannot synchronize different result directories for the same scenario run. This may result in Analysis being unable to load the result.
- Check that you write the result files to the same directory used in this scenario.
Result Directory - Invalid Directory Name
Invalid results directory.
The results directory name contains invalid characters, or the path is empty.
- Specify a valid results directory location: Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and enter a valid results directory location, or click Browse to find the required location. The following characters cannot be used: :;&*\"/#~,?{}$%|<>+-=`'@^()[].
Result Directory - Invalid Results Name
Invalid results name.
Invalid characters have been used in the results name.
- Specify a valid results name: Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and enter a valid results name. The following characters cannot be used: :;&*\"/#~,?{}$%|<>+-=`'@^()[].
Result Directory - Results Name Missing
Results name is missing.
- Specify a results name: Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and enter a valid results name. The following characters cannot be used: :;&*\"/#~,?{}$%|<>+-=`'@^()[].
Result Directory - Cannot Write to _t_rep.eve File
Cannot write result files to result directory 'directory name'.
Unable to open the _t_rep.eve file in the result directory. The _t_rep.eve file contains Vuser and rendezvous information.
- Check that the _t_rep.eve file exists in the results directory, and that the file name has not been truncated.
- Contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.
Result Directory - Overwriting Existing Directory
Results directory already exists. Overwriting will delete all files in: 'file directory' Overwrite?
- Click "Yes" to overwrite the results of the previous scenario with the results of the current scenario.
- Click "No" to keep the results of the previous scenario, and enter a different name for the current results directory in the Results Name box (Results > Result Settings).
Result Directory - Overwriting Directory Denied
The directory: 'directory name' contains important files. Overwriting denied. Check your permissions for this directory.
Unable to overwrite a results directory which contains *.exe, *.com, *.dll, *.sys, or *.bat files.
- Save the current scenario results in a different directory: Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and enter a different name for the results directory in the Results Name box, or
- Delete the contents of the directory manually before saving the current scenario results. Check that you have the correct write permissions to delete these files.
Result Directory - Failed to Remove Directory
Failed to remove the directory 'directory name'. Reason: 'string'.
Unable to remove the results directory. One or more files in the results directory are still being used by Controller.
- Close Controller and reopen it.
- Save the current scenario results in a different directory: Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and enter a different name for the results directory in the Results Name box.
Result Directory - Cannot Create Results Directory
Cannot create results 'results' in cycle 'cycle' in TestDirector project.
Unable to create a results directory in the OpenText Application Quality Management project.
- Check that OpenText Application Quality Management is running: The Connection icon is displayed in the status bar if Controller is currently connected to a OpenText Application Quality Management project.
- Check that you have permissions to create directories in the OpenText Application Quality Management project.
Result Directory - Cannot Create Results Directory on Controller Machine
Cannot create results directory 'results directory' on 'drive'
- Check that you have the correct write permissions to create a new directory on the Controller machine.
- Check that you have sufficient disk space available on the Controller machine. If you cannot free up sufficient space in the temporary directory, then choose another drive on which to run the test: In Controller, select Scenario > Load Generators > Details, and type in an alternate temporary directory.
Result Files - Files Not Collated
The Result files were not collated. Running the scenario will erase them. Do you want to collate them now?
The results for the previous scenario run were partly collated or not collated at all.
- Click "Yes" to collate the previous run results. Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and change the name of the results directory for the current scenario run.
- Click "No" to erase the previous run results.
Result Files - Files Not Collated
The last scenario results were not collated. Do you want to collate them now?
The results for the previous scenario run were partly collated or not collated at all.
- Click "Yes" to collate the previous run results. Open the Results Settings dialog box (Results > Results Settings), and change the name of the results directory for the current scenario run.
- Click "No" to erase the previous run results.