Version Errors
This section describes troubleshooting for the following version errors:
Version - Unsupported
Old scenario version.
Your scenario was created with an earlier version that is no longer supported.
- Create a new scenario using the current version.
Version - Invalid Product ID
Invalid scenario file: 'filename' Invalid product id: 'product id'.
Your scenario was created with an earlier version that is no longer supported.
- Create a new scenario using the current version.
Version - Invalid Section
Invalid scenario file: 'filename' Bad section: 'section'.
Your scenario was created with an an earlier version that is no longer supported.
- Create a new scenario using the current version.
Version - Using Older Controller Version
Trying to open a scenario created with a later version of Controller than the version currently installed. Scenario version: 'version number' Current Controller version: 'version number'.
Unpredictable behavior could occur if you open a scenario created in a newer version of Controller on an older installation.
- Click "Yes" to open and save the scenario in order to reformat it for the current installation (older version).
- Click "No" if you don't want to open the scenario.