Customize NV settings

You can customize various NV settings to meet your needs.

Set the active adapter for NV for Load Generator

The active adapter on each load generator is used to impose the required network conditions for NV. When you install NV for Load Generator on a machine that has more than one network interface card, you need to specify the network interface card to be used.

To specify the network interface card:

  1. On the machine where NV for Load Generator is installed, from the Start menu, open NV Agent.

    The NV Agent icon appears in the system tray.

  2. Right-click the NV Agent icon and select Active Adapter Settings.

  3. In the Active Adapter dialog box, click Set Active Adapter and select the required network interface card.

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Change the NV for Controller port

By default, port 8182 is used to access NV. Although there is typically no need to change the port number, you can change it if needed.

Caution: Perform the procedure below only if NV for Controller is installed, and NV for Load Generator is not installed on the same machine. If both NV for Controller and NV for Load Generator are installed on the same machine, see Change the NV port for load generators and Network Editor .

To change the NV for Controller port:

  1. Prerequisites: Make sure the following conditions are met.

    • No tests are running.

    • The port you want to use has been allowed in the firewall.

  2. Open the folder <installation_folder>\conf.

  3. Open the file in a text editor.
  4. Change the port number in the following line to the port you want to use.

    com.shunra.bootstrapper.port=<port number>

  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the Network Virtualization service (NVWatchDogService).
  7. In the folder <installation_folder>\conf, right-click the License.url file and select Properties.

  8. In the URL field, replace the port number with the port you want to use.
  9. In all browser shortcuts to the License Manager, replace the port number with the port you want to use.

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Change the NV port for load generators and Network Editor

By default, port 8182 is used to access the NV on load generators and the NV Network Editor. Although there is typically no need to change the port number, you can change it if needed.

To change the NV port:

  1. Prerequisites: Make sure the following conditions are met.

    • No tests are running.
    • The port you want to use has been allowed in the firewall.
  2. Open the folder <installation_folder>\conf.

  3. Open the file in a text editor.
  4. Change the port number in the following line to the port you want to use.

    com.shunra.vcat.port=<port number>

  5. Save the file.
  6. Open the file in a text editor.
  7. Change the port number in the following line to the port you want to use.

    com.shunra.bootstrapper.port=<port number>

  8. Open the folder <installation_folder>\lib\shunra\vcat.

  9. Open the file NVAgent.exe.config in a text editor.
  10. Search for and replace the port number (default 8182) with the port you want to use.
  11. Restart the Network Virtualization service (NVWatchDogService).
  12. Open the folder <installation_folder>\conf.

  13. Right-click the file Network Editor.url and select Properties.
  14. In the URL, replace the port number with the port you want to use.
  15. In all browser shortcuts to the NV Network Editor, replace the port number with the port you want to use.

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Set the default maximum packet list buffer size

You can specify that when a scenario or test runs, the network packets that are transmitted across the network are captured and stored in a buffer for future analysis. You can specify the default maximum packet list buffer size.

Set default maximum for load generators

The NV Common Settings enable you to specify the maximum size of the packet list buffer that is available for each load generator in a scenario or a test. You can specify the default maximum packet list buffer size that is applied to each new scenario or test. For details, see Virtual location common settings.

Set maximum for a virtual location

Packet capture is configured within a virtual location. One of the packet capture settings you configure in a virtual location is the maximum size of the packet list. For details, see Virtual location common settings.

Set maximum when generating NV Insights report

When generating NV Insights reports in VuGen, the maximum packet list size is defined by the PacketListMaxSizeMB property in the NV configuration file. You can modify the maximum buffer size in the configuration file.

To set the maximum packet list buffer in the NV configuration file:

  1. Make sure no network virtualization tests are running.
  2. Open the folder <installation_folder>\conf.

  3. Open the file userConfiguration.xml in a text editor.
  4. Locate the PacketListMaxSizeMB property and set it to the required value.

    The permitted range of values is 10–1000 MB.

  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the Network Virtualization service (NVWatchDogService).

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Enable cleanup threshold for NV data

The NV cleanup threshold is a mechanism for deleting NV packet lists, to free up disk space.

Test results are saved in the Data folder of machines on which NV for Load Generator is installed. The default location of the folder is \%programdata%\OpenText\NV\VCat\Data.

When a test starts running, if the defined free disk threshold on the machine is not met, the test results folders will be deleted one by one from the oldest until the threshold is restored, or until only two folders are left. If only two folders are left and the threshold was not restored, and the test does not start on the load generator, consider deleting unnecessary data or reducing the threshold.

The cleanup threshold is 3 times that of the packet list size that is defined for the load generator. For details on customizing the packet list size, see Set the default maximum packet list buffer size.

By default, the cleanup threshold mechanism is disabled. You can enable it on each machine where NV for Load Generator is installed.

To enable the cleanup threshold:

  1. Make sure no network virtualization tests are running.
  2. Open the folder <installation_folder>\conf.

  3. Open the file userConfiguration.xml in a text editor.
  4. Locate the IsCleanupEnabled property and set it to true.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the Network Virtualization service (NVWatchDogService).

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