
The main page of the NV Insights report provides a dashboard showing summary information for the scenario or test.


The dashboard includes both summary widgets with data from the entire run, and a breakdown of data by script and location. The dashboard illustrates the impact of different networks on transaction duration, and shows optimization grades that include links to optimization recommendations for your applications.

The dashboard is available for tests run from Controller.

NV Insights report dashboard

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Summary widgets

The first widgets display a summary of the data from the entire run.

Widget Details
Start Time The start date and time of the run.
Analysis Coverage

The widget includes the following data.

  • Selected scripts: The total number of unique scripts included in the report.
  • Virtual locations: The total number of unique virtual locations included in the report. A virtual location can represent a geographical location, such as London, or a mobile network type, such as 4G.
  • Selected groups: The total number of groups that were selected for NV Insights analysis. NV analyzes every group for which the NV Insights checkbox was selected when defining the groups to include in the run. For details, see Configure Controller to generate NV Insights.

Transaction Status

The status of the transactions in the entire test or run. For details, see Transaction status.

Click the widget to open the Transaction Overview page. For details, see Transaction Overview.

Network Impact

The effect of networks on transaction duration. For details, see Network impact.

Optimization Grades The performance and optimization level of your application's transactions, on a scale from A-F. For details, see Optimization grades.

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Transaction distribution by script and virtual location

The Transaction distribution by script and virtual location area displays data per script for each of the scripts that were included in the run.

Click a script to drill down and view transaction details.

Scripts are displayed in a table, with columns displaying the following data for each script.

Column Details
Transaction Status The status of the transactions in the script. For details on transaction status, see Transaction status.
Virtual location The number of transactions for each virtual location. Click the mobile/desktop icon in the column header to switch between displaying mobile and desktop results. Note how this affects other data.
Network Impact The effect of networks on transaction duration. For details, see Network impact.
Optimization Grades The performance and optimization level of your application's transactions, on a scale from A-F. For details, see Optimization grades.

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Transaction status

Transaction status shows the total number of transactions that passed, failed, or were skipped.

A skipped transaction is a transaction that ran successfully (regardless of the pass/fail status) on at least one network, but did not run on at least one other network. For example, a transaction may have run successfully both without network emulation and over 4G, but did not run over 3G, for some reason.

Transactions with errors displays the number of transactions that had errors, regardless of their pass/fail status.

Data regarding the pass/fail status, and the number of transactions that ran with errors, is received directly from the testing tool.

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Network impact

The Network Impact widget illustrates the effect of networks on transaction duration. The widget includes data from all transactions selected for NV Insights analysis.

Determining network impact

During a run, NV runs two additional iterations with one Vuser on every group for which the NV Insights check box is selected.

The first iteration on each group runs without virtual locations at the beginning of the test. This creates a baseline indicating how long transactions in a script take without network emulation. If the same script was included in more than one group, the baseline represents the minimum time it took to run the script's transactions on all groups running that script.

Later in the test, NV runs an additional iteration on every group using the specified virtual locations. This is known as the analysis run. Analysis runs emulate real-world networks and can differ greatly from baseline runs.

The resulting response time gap between the baseline and analysis runs is the network impact. This indicates how network properties impact your application. The smaller the time gap, the better your application is optimized.

Calculating network impact time ranges

The network impact data shows how much longer it took to run the transactions with virtual locations than it took to run them without. The time is displayed as a percentage range.

Example: If a transaction ran:

  • 10 seconds without a virtual location

  • 12 seconds with a virtual location

The network impact percentage would be "Up to 25% longer than baseline" because it took 20% longer to run the transaction with a virtual location.

If a transaction ran:

  • 10 seconds without a virtual location

  • 25 seconds with a virtual location

The network impact percentage would be "Over 200% longer than baseline" because it took more than twice as long to run the transaction with a virtual location.

Network Impact widget

The widget includes the following elements.

Element Details
Transactions with Virtual Location

The number of transactions that ran with virtual locations (emulating networks) out of the total number of transactions. For example, 10/22 indicates that out of a total of 22 transactions, 10 ran with emulated networks.

Donut chart

Each segment represents the number of transactions that ran within a specific network impact range.

Hover over the segments in the chart to view the highlighted network impact ranges.

Transaction drilldown

Click the widget to show/hide a bar displaying the number of transactions in each range in the test, as well as how much longer it took to run the transactions with virtual locations than it took to run them without.

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Optimization grades

Optimization grades indicate how well your application's transactions perform. Grades range from A-F. The higher the grade, the better your transaction is optimized.

Importance of optimization

Optimized applications perform better and run faster and more efficiently. For example, two web pages that look exactly the same can load at very different speeds if one of the pages is optimized and the other is not.

As part of the analysis process, NV Insights provides recommendations for optimizing your application so that network emulation is as efficient as possible. Each action is measured against accepted industry standards as well as OpenText's enhanced best practices to detect performance issues.

For details on optimization recommendations, see Optimization recommendations.

Grading transactions

Each transaction is given a score comparing the transaction to programming best practices, as well as priority, based on the potential performance improvement to be obtained if the recommendation is implemented. The scores are totaled and converted to grades, based on the level of compliance, where A is the most compliant.

Optimization Grades widget

The widget includes the following elements.

Element Details
Bar chart

Each bar represents a grade. Hover over a bar to see how many transactions received a particular grade.

Transaction drilldown

Click the widget to show/hide a bar displaying the number of transactions that received each grade.

Tip: Click the Help button to learn more about the terms used in the report. The embedded pages are included with the report. This ensures that anyone that accesses a report can learn more about it, even when offline.

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See also: