Endpoint Latencies

The Endpoint Latencies page displays details of the latency observed at the client and server endpoints.

The following data is displayed in the table.

Column Details
Source Source IP address
Destination Destination IP address
URL/IP URL or IP address of the server
Best estimate (ms)

Best estimate of the latency between the client and server, as deduced from the TCP connections between them. This estimate accounts for additional latencies found in the packet capture due to bandwidth constraints. As a result, this value may be less than the minimum value.

Average (ms) Average value observed in the packet capture
Min (ms) Minimum value observed in the packet capture
5th percentile (ms) Minimum value observed in the packet capture, not including outermost conditions
95th percentile (ms) Maximum value observed in the packet capture, not including outermost conditions
Max (ms)

Maximum value observed in the packet capture

Sample Count Number of packets used in the calculation of the latency

Note: The side bar may be different depending on the testing tool from which NV Insights was generated.

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