HTTP Waterfall

The HTTP Waterfall page helps you locate bottlenecks in your application and address them accordingly.

General analysis

The HTTP Waterfall page includes both a graph and a table. The graph displays throughput values. The table displays the list of requests and resources sent over the network.

HTTP Waterfall page

Throughput values graph

Drag the handles on the graph to focus on a specific time frame in the timeline. Only the resources within the selected time frame are displayed in the table.

Requests and resources table

The table displays the list of requests and resources sent over the network, in the order that they were loaded.

Click a resource in the table to view more details and highlight the associated section of the throughput values graph.

The following columns are displayed in the table. Click any of the table headers to sort the table according to the column.

Column Details


Click to highlight other resources in the table that were downloaded from the same host, during the same session.


HTTP status code.


Indicates that there are recommendations that you can perform to improve performance.

To switch between optimization suggestions for desktop or mobile, click the Desktop button or Mobile button in the column header.

Resource Resource that was downloaded. Hover over the resource to see the full path.

Type of resource that was downloaded. Possible types:

  • Image
  • Code
  • Text
  • Media
  • App data
  • Other
Host Host from which the resource was downloaded.
IP IP address of the host from which the resource was downloaded.

Name of the flow.

Size Response body size in bytes.
Time Response time in milliseconds.
Server Time Time estimate for the web server to process the request and prepare the response.

URL of the web page from which the resource was downloaded.

Relevant only for TruClient scripts. Not supported for TruClient 2.0 protocol.

Timeline Position of the resource in the timeline. Hover over a timeline to see the start timestamp.

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TruClient analysis

Note: Supported for TruClient scripts only. Not supported for TruClient 2.0 protocol.

For TruClient scripts, you can view the client-side data breakdown. This data helps you do the following:

  • Inspect events in the client as they correlate to the network calls
  • Analyze which steps in the client triggered network traffic
  • Understand how slow resources impacted the events in the client

HTTP Waterfall page for TruClient script

You can examine an entire transaction, or focus on and analyze a single page.

Client events graph

The client events graph can help you measure the quality of the user experience on your application.

The horizontal bars on the graph represent individual pages. Each page is displayed in a unique color.

The following elements represent data for a page:

Element Data
Bar length Time that the page was open during the transaction.
Shaded bar segment Time during which the page received resources.
Clear bar segment Time during which the page remained open but there was no network traffic.
Overlapping bars

Concurrent traffic in separate browser tabs or windows.

For example, in the data displayed in this graph, three browser tabs or windows are open:

Vertical line

Client event. See the graph legend for details on the type of client event. 

Possible types:

  • Start render: The point in time, after the client request was sent, when something was first displayed to the client screen.
  • DOM loaded: The point in time when the HTML document is loaded, but before images, style sheets, and subframes on the page are fully loaded.
  • Page loaded: The point in time when the HTML document is loaded, including images, style sheets, and subframes.

Examine the client-side breakdown data

View more details about the data represented in the graph.

  • Click or hover over a client event in the throughput graph and see an indicator in the Timeline column of the table.

    For example, click the Dom Loaded event in the throughput graph, and see where it falls in the timeline.

    Tip: Click one event and then hover over another to compare the two events in the timeline.

  • Click a page URL on a bar in the graph to view more data about all client actions and events.

    For details, see Client-side details.

To identify potentially problematic issues, consider the following:

  • Does the Start render event occur a relatively long time after the first page request was sent?
  • Is there a particularly long gap between the time the last resource was received and any event?

Client-side details

When you click a page on the bar, the following data for all client actions and events is displayed.

You can explore which network calls occurred before or after each client event, and isolate the resources that need to be optimized in order to shorten the client loading time.

Element Description
Page title The URL of the selected page.
Duration The time during which the page received resources, and the total time the page was open during the transaction.
Show only this page

Displays data for the selected page only in the graph and table.

To return to the full transaction view, click the Exit zoom button in the toolbar at the top of the page.


Lists all client actions that were performed while that web page was open, such as clicking a link or filling in a form field.

Note: By default, the web page image is not displayed unless enabled in the TruClient script's runtime settings.

  • Click a step to view the relevant section highlighted in the graph and the timeline, as well as the network calls that were performed during that step.
  • Click the Snapshot button to view a snapshot of the page captured during the selected step.
Loading Process

Loading times for each client event.

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Change the view settings

Use the following options in the toolbar to change the view settings.

Option Description
Clear Markers

Removes the event indicator line and other markers from the graph and table.


To display a section of the graph in greater detail, drag the markers as needed and click the Fit to zoom button .

To return to the full transaction view, click the Exit zoom button .

Show/hide client information

Show or hide client-side information in the report.


Filter the resources that are displayed in the report according to pages or events.

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