Run a scenario with NV

Run a scenario using NV and view the metrics in Analysis and the NV Insights report.

Run a scenario using NV

Set up and run a scenario using NV.

To run a scenario using NV:

  1. Prerequisite: Make sure that you have the current version of NV installed on your Controller and load generator machines. For details, see Install.

  2. In Controller, open the scenario that you want to run with NV.

  3. Define the virtual location settings in the Virtual Location Settings dialog box. For details, see Define virtual location settings.

  4. Close the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box.

  5. Set a virtual location for each Vuser group or load generator in the scenario, depending on the virtualization mode you chose.

    Note: If a script runs on a protocol that does not support the Per Group mode, the load generator icon is displayed next to the virtual location, indicating that the script is run according to the load generator settings. You can specify the default virtual location in the Load Generators dialog box, as described for Per Load Generator mode.

    Mode Method
    Per Group

    To set a location for a Vuser group, in the Scenario Groups pane, click the Virtual Location box for the Vuser group and select a location from the list. If you do not want to use NV for the Vuser group, select None.

    Per Load Generator

    To set a location for a load generator:

    1. On the Controller toolbar, click the Load Generator button to open the Load Generators dialog box.

    2. Select a load generator and click Details.

    3. Go to the Network Virtualization tab and select a virtual location for the load generator from the Default Virtual Location list. If you do not want to use NV for the load generator, select None.

  6. Enable NV Insights (Per Group mode only): For each Vuser group, select the NV Insights checkbox if you want to include the Vuser group in the NV Insights report that is produced after the scenario run. For details, see NV Insights report.

  7. Initiate the NV monitors: In the Controller Run tab, in the Available Graphs pane, double-click the NV monitors to initiate them. For details, see NV monitoring.

    Tip: Right-click an NV monitor graph and select Set Filter/Sort By to filter, sort, or group the measurements by virtual location.

  8. Save and run the scenario. NV starts and stops automatically with the scenario.

    If the scenario includes NV Insights, the system-generated "hidden" Vusers are displayed at the bottom of the Vuser Group pane while the scenario is running.

  9. View the metrics in NV Insights and Analysis.

    If the scenario includes NV Insights, click the Show Insights Report button on the Controller toolbar to generate and display the NV Insights report. For details, see NV Insights report.

    Open Analysis and view the NV metrics. You can group the metrics by location, and correlate them with other data, such as response time.

    Tip: You can also open the NV Insights Report in Analysis. To open the report in Analysis, select Reports > NV Insights Report.

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Define virtual location settings

Define the virtual location settings for a scenario.

To define virtual location settings:

  1. In the Controller toolbar, click the Show Virtual Locations Settings button to open the Virtual Location Settings dialog box.

  2. Select Enable Network Virtualization to enable NV.

    After you enable NV, a Network Virtualization status button is displayed in the Controller status bar.

  3. Choose a virtualization mode: Per Group or Per Load Generator. For details, see Per group versus per load generator.

  4. (Optional) Add virtual locations.

    If you do not want to use one of the predefined virtual locations, you can define your own custom locations. For details, see Add and configure virtual locations.

  5. Configure the global settings that apply to all virtual locations in the scenario. For details, see Virtual location common settings.

  6. Configure the settings for individual locations. For details, see Configure a virtual location.

  7. (Optional) Export virtual location settings for future use.

    • To save the settings for a specific location, select the location and click Export.
    • To save the settings for all locations in the list, select an empty row in the list and click Export.

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See also: