Design tab
The Controller Design tab enables you to design load test scenarios.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Scenario Goal pane
(Goal-oriented scenario)
In goal-oriented scenarios, displays information regarding the scenario goal. For user interface details, see Scenario goal pane. |
Scenario Groups pane
(Manual scenario in Vuser Group mode)
Displays the Vuser groups created for the scenario. For user interface details, see Scenario Groups/Scripts pane - manual scenarios. |
Scenario Schedule pane
(Manual scenario)
Displays the scenario schedule. For user interface details, see Scenario Schedule pane. |
Scenario Scripts pane | Displays the Vuser scripts selected for the scenario. For user interface details: |
Service Level Agreement pane | Lists the service level agreements defined for the scenario. For user interface details, see Service level agreements. |
See also: