Edit Scenario Goal dialog box

This dialog box enables you to set goals for your scenario.

To access
Goal-oriented scenario > Design tab > Scenario Goal pane > Edit Scenario Goal
Important information
  • Available for goal-oriented scenarios only.

  • When you run a goal-oriented scenario, the goal you defined is displayed in the appropriate graph, along with the scenario results. This enables you to compare the results with your target goal.

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Enables you to rename the selected goal profile.


Deleted the selected goal profile.


Enables you to define a new goal profile.

Scenario Start Time

Opens the Scenario Start dialog box where you can set the scenario start time as follows:
  • Without delay. As soon as the Start Scenario command is issued.

  • With a delay of HH:MM:SS. The specified time after the Start Scenario command is issued.

  • At HH:MM:SS on <date>. At a specified time on a specified date.

Define Scenario Goal
The scenario goal:
  • Goal Type. The type of goal. For more details, see Goals types for goal-oriented scenarios.

  • Transaction Name. (When goal type is Transactions per second/Transaction Response Time) The static script transaction for your scenario to test, or the name of an automatic/dynamic script transaction that you have recorded.

  • Reach Goal of <value> <goal type>. The required goal limits.

  • Using a minimum of <value> and a maximum of <value> Vusers. The minimum and maximum number of Vusers to use in the scenario.

Do not change recorded think time
If selected, Controller runs the scenario using the think time recorded in the script.

Note: If you select this option, you may need to increase the number of Vusers in your scenario in order to reach your target.

Goal Profile Name
The goal profile name.
Load Behavior tab
Enables you to specify how and when Controller should reach the target.
Ramp Up. How the Vusers should start running.
  • Automatic. Controller starts running the default number of Vusers in a batch, that is, 50 Vusers every two minutes. If the maximum number of Vusers defined is less than 50, then it runs all the Vusers.

  • Reach target X after. The amount of scenario time after which Controller should reach the target.

  • Step up by. The rate at which Controller should reach the target (x number of Vusers/hits/pages every x amount of time). (Not available for the Transactions per Second and Transaction Response Time goal types.)

Load Preview graph
A graphical representation of the goal and load behavior defined for the scenario.
Scenario Settings tab
Enables you to specify the actions to take when the target is reached, or if the target is not reached:
  • Runtime. The amount of time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) to run the scenario after the target has been reached.

  • If target cannot be reached. The action to be taken if the target cannot be reached.

    • Receive Notification. If selected, Controller sends an error message indicating that the target could not be reached.

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