Edit Scenario Goal dialog box
This dialog box enables you to set goals for your scenario.
To access |
Goal-oriented scenario > Design tab > Scenario Goal pane > Edit Scenario Goal
Important information |
Relevant tasks |
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Rename |
Enables you to rename the selected goal profile.
Delete |
Deleted the selected goal profile.
New |
Enables you to define a new goal profile.
Scenario Start Time |
Opens the Scenario Start dialog box where you can set the scenario start time as follows:
Define Scenario Goal |
The scenario goal:
Do not change recorded think time |
If selected, Controller runs the scenario using the think time recorded in the script.
Note: If you select this option, you may need to increase the number of Vusers in your scenario in order to reach your target. |
Goal Profile Name |
The goal profile name.
Load Behavior tab |
Enables you to specify how and when Controller should reach the target.
Ramp Up. How the Vusers should start running.
Load Preview graph |
A graphical representation of the goal and load behavior defined for the scenario.
Scenario Settings tab |
Enables you to specify the actions to take when the target is reached, or if the target is not reached: