Load Generators dialog box

This dialog box enables you to manage the load generators defined for the scenario.

To access
  • On the Design tab, open a scenario and click on the Controller toolbar
  • Select Scenario > Load Generators
Relevant tasks

Add load generators to a scenario

See also

User interface elements for the load generator table are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
Display the status of the load generator's CPU usage:
The load generator is available to run additional Vuser scripts.
There is a problem with the CPU usage of the load generator.
The load generator is overloaded.

The status of the load generator is unknown. This applies when the specified load generator name or IP address cannot be resolved.

Note: These icons are only displayed for Windows-based load generators.


The name or IP address of the load generator:

  • IP addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 format are both supported.

  • For host names, you can create a network profile that includes IPv6 support, so that Controller resolves the host name to IPv6. For details, see Network Profile Manager dialog box.

Renaming load generators: You can rename cloud-based load generator machines that you already provisioned. The renaming affects the provider side too, so that the new name appears in the list of available machines in the Use Cloud Load Generator dialog box.

Renaming cloud-based load generator machines does not affect the IP address that was provisioned for that machine. For physical load generators, however, this name is used to establish a connection with the machine, and should not be modified.

Note: Renaming is supported for Amazon AWS providers only.


The current status of the load generator:

Ready The load generator is connected, and is ready to run Vuser scripts. If the connection is secure, an icon indicates a secure connection.
Connecting Controller is in the process of connecting to the load generator.
Active The load generator is running Vusers. If the connection is secure, an icon indicates a secure connection.
Down The load generator is not connected.
Failed A connection with the load generator could not be established.
In Progress The load generator is being provisioned. This status only applies to cloud-based load generators.
Terminating The load generator is being terminated by the provider. This status only applies to cloud-based load generators.

The type of platform on which the load generator is running. The platform indicates whether the load generator is Windows-based, Linux-based, or cloud-based. The version of the load generator must match the Controller version. You can determine the version of the load generator from the Image string. To determine the version of Controller, select Help > About.

    Note: This field may initially display Windows-based, even for machines provisioned for Linux. The field shows Linux-based after the provider receives confirmation of the need for a Linux machine.


The load generator type: Local or cloud-based. For cloud-based load generators, Type displays the name of the cloud provider.

Network Profile The network profile assigned to this load generator. The network profile bundles all of the network connectivity settings, including proxies and ports, into a single entity. For details, see Network Profile Manager dialog box.
Virtual Location

The virtual location to emulate (only visible when Network Virtualization is installed). Click the cell to select a location from the drop-down list. To clear the value, select None.

Details Details about why the connection failed, if the connection between Controller and the load generator was broken.
<Right-click menu>
  • Save List As Default. Saves the current list of load generators as the default list.

  • Load Default List. Loads the default list of load generators.

  • Filter Hosts. Enables you to filter the load generator list by status: Active , Ready, Down, or Failed.

  • Sort Hosts. Enables you to sort the Load Generator table by name, status, or type. To sort the table in ascending/descending order, click the relevant table heading.

The buttons on the right side of the dialog box are described below:

UI Element

Connect / Disconnect

  • Connect. Instructs Controller to connect the selected load generator. When connected, the status of the load generator changes from Down to Ready.

  • Disconnect. When the load generator is connected, the button automatically changes to Disconnect. When clicked, the status of the load generator changes to Down.


Opens the Autodetect Load Generator dialog box that allows you to generate a list of all of the available local load generators. After Controller generates the list, you select the ones to use in your scenario. For details, see To automatically detect local load generators.


Opens the Add New Load Generator dialog box where you specify and add a new local load generator for the scenario.

Note: When you add a local load generator, the status of the load generator is set to Down until it is connected.

Add From Cloud

Enables you to add a cloud-based load generator to the scenario. The load generator can be either a new load generator or a load generator that already exists in the cloud.

Note: When you add a local load generator, the status of the load generator is set to Down until it is connected.


Removes the load generator from the list of load generators that are available to run Vuser scripts during the scenario.

Note: If the selected load generator is cloud-based, you can select to delete the load generator from the cloud account as well.

A load generator can be removed only when it is disconnected.

Reset Attempts to reset a failed load generator to the Down status.
Details Opens the Load Generator Information dialog box where you can view and modify information about the selected load generator. See Add New Load Generator/Load Generator Information dialog box.



Instructs Controller to disable or enable the selected load generator. When a load generator is disabled, the details of the load generator are displayed in gray.

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