Network Profile Manager dialog box

This dialog box enables you to set up network profiles for your load generator. For each profile, you can enable communication over a firewall, and/or over the Data Hub. You can also customize the ports used by the load generator and the MI Listener.

To access
Do one of the following:
  • Load Generator dialog box
    1. Controller toolbar > Load Generators .
    2. In the Load Generators dialog box, click Add or Details.
    3. Select the Connections tab.
    4. Click Network Profile Manager.
  • Tools > Network Profile Manager
Important information
  • If the load generator is connected, you cannot change values in its profile. To disconnect a load generator, select the load generator click Disconnect. The load generator status changes to Down, and you can change the settings.

  • Network Profile names may only have English characters.

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element

Profiles Toolbar

Allows you to manage the profiles in the list.
Add a new profile.
Delete the selected profile.
Clone the selected profile.
Set the selected profile as default.
Import a previously saved profile.
Export the selected profile to a file for future use.
Network Profile Name A list of all of the defined profiles.
Data Hub Settings

Data Hub Profile: When you enable this option, Controller communicates with load generators using the Data Hub. For details, see Data Hub and Web Connector setup.

Transfer files over TCP: (Enabled by default) When this option is enabled, the preferred file transfer method is using direct TCP connection for greater efficiency.

To transfer files over TCP, the Transfer all files to remote hosts before running scenario option must be enabled in Controller: Select Tools > Options, and in the Runtime File Storage tab, enable Transfer all files to remote hosts before running scenario.

Cloud Settings Enable the Cloud Profile option, for network profiles that are used with cloud-based load generators.
Proxy Settings > Use proxy

Allows you to access a load generator through a proxy server.

Use the default HTTP proxy settings.

  • When running on Windows, the Internet Explorer proxy settings are used.

    To use this option, your default browser cannot be Firefox.  If it is, uninstall Firefox and then select another default browser.

  • When running on Linux, the proxy values in the HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environment variables are used.

    You must manually create the environment variables on the Linux computer where your script runs.

Use custom proxy server. Specify the URL, port, and credentials for the proxy server.

Note: Basic and NTLM proxy authentication are supported.

Connection Mode

Indicates how to connect to the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent.

  • Connect directly to Load Generator Agent. Connects to the load generator directly using the specified Port. The default port is 54345.

  • Connect via MI Listener. Connects to the load generator through the MI Listener. This is useful when the load generator is behind a firewall. You specify the Name and Port of the MI Listener that the load generator uses to communicate over the firewall. The default port is 50500.

    Note: For Data Hub profiles, the selected connection method is used in cases where communication via the Data Hub is inefficient or impossible.

Enable SSL Support

Enables a secure connection between Controller and load generator. This is enabled automatically when using a proxy.

Enable IPv6 Support Enables communication with load generator or MI Listener machines in IPv6 format. When enabled, Controller resolves the host name to IPv6.

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