Debug Information tab
This tab enables you to configure the settings to determine the extent of the trace to be performed during a scenario run.
To access |
Tools > Options > Debug Information tab
Important information |
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Defaults |
Sets the default debug information settings.
Keep temporary files |
The OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent and Controller create temporary files that collect information such as the parameter file sent to the Vuser, the output compilation file, and the configuration file. The Agent files are saved in brr folders in the TMP or TEMP folder of the Agent machine. The Controller files are saved in lrr folders in the TMP or TEMP folder of the Controller machine. At the end of the scenario, all these files are automatically deleted.
When selected, this option instructs the Agent and Controller not to delete these files so that you can use them for debugging.
Trace Flags |
For debugging purposes, you can configure the type of trace performed during the scenario run. Select the appropriate options to enable the detailed trace. The available trace flags are:
See also: