Execution tab
This tab enables you to configure miscellaneous scenario execution settings.
To access, select Tools > Options > Execution tab.
Execution tab options
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Default Scheduler |
Enables you to set the default schedule run mode for new scenarios.
For more details, see Schedule run modes.
Post Collate Command |
Enables you to define a command that Controller will run directly after it collates the results of a scenario run. Example: You can define a command to run a customer application that runs the Analysis API to extract data. Note: In the command, you can use the keyword, %ResultDir%, to refer to the scenario's results folder. (This keyword is not case sensitive.) |
Vuser Distribution |
Defines the method for allocating Vusers to the load generators used for the scenario:
Smart Vuser distribution
Smart Vuser distribution provides load balancing for the load generated by Vusers, distributing the load evenly among the requested load generators. This improves the accuracy of the load test. It works most efficiently in scenarios with a high number of Vusers.
Note: Smart Vuser distribution is not supported for Dockerized load generators.
Smart Vuser distribution is available in manual scenarios. When Smart Vuser distribution is enabled, Controller allocates Vusers to each load generator based on the CPU usage of the machine. The allocation of each Vuser is determined before the Vuser is loaded. This means that for Smart Vuser distribution to work, the scenario must be set to load Vusers gradually and not all at once.
When a load generator's CPU usage becomes overloaded, Controller receives a message and stops loading Vusers on the overloaded load generator. Instead, Controller automatically distributes the next Vusers among the other load generators assigned to the same script or Vuser group. Only where there are no other available load generators assigned to the script or Vuser group does Controller stop loading Vusers.
Example: A scenario includes two scripts. Each script is assigned 3 load generators, as follows.
Script | Load generators |
Script1 | lg1, lg2, lg3 |
Script2 | lg4, lg5, lg6 |
If lg4 becomes overloaded, Controller loads the next Vusers for Script2 only on lg5 and lg6. Vuser distribution for Script1, on lg1, lg2, and lg3, is not affected.
You can monitor load generators' CPU usage using the icons in the Load Generators dialog box. A vertical bar icon is displayed for each load generator to indicate the status of its CPU usage. For details, see Load Generators dialog box.
You can monitor load generators' CPU usage in greater detail using the Controller and Load Generator Resources monitor. For details, see Controller and Load Generator Resources monitor.
See also: