Monitors tab

In this tab you can enable the Transaction monitor, configure the behavior of the transaction data, and set the data sampling rate, error handling, debugging, and frequency settings for the online monitors.

To access, select Tools > Options > Monitors tab.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Sets the default timeout values.
If Display debug messages is selected, debug-related messages are sent to the Output window.
For the Network monitor the messages are sent according to the specified debug level (1 - 9).
Error Handling
Controls the way in which error messages are issued:
  • Send errors to the Output window.

  • Pop-up an error message box.

(Expert mode only)
  • Summary. Sends a summary of the collected data back to Controller. Use this option if the speed at which the data is transferred is significant to you.

  • Raw Data. Sends all of the data in raw form back to Controller. Sending the data in raw form saves time because the data does not need to be processed. However, since all of the data is being transferred to Controller, it may cause more network traffic.

Transaction Data

Configures the behavior of data for the Transaction, Data Point, and Web Resource online graphs.

  • Enable Transaction Monitor. Enables the online Vuser Transaction monitor to start monitoring transactions at the start of a scenario.

  • Frequency. The frequency, in seconds, at which the online monitor samples the data to produce the Transaction, Data Point, and Web Resource online graphs. For a small scenario, use a lower frequency, for example, 1. For a large scenario, use a higher frequency, for example, 3 - 5. The higher the frequency, the less network traffic there will be. The data is averaged for the frequency period defined, and only one value is sent to the Controller.

    Default value: 5 seconds

For information on enabling and disabling the Transaction monitor and Web Page Diagnostics, see Runtime and Transaction monitoring.


  • Disabling this option conserves resources.

  • You cannot modify these settings during scenario execution; you must stop the scenario before disabling the monitor or changing its frequency.

Resource Monitoring

Indicates the sampling rate for resource monitors.

Data Sampling Rate. The sampling rate is the period of time (in seconds) between consecutive samples. Enter the rate at which the scenario is sampled for monitoring data. If you increase the sampling rate, the data is monitored less frequently. The default rate is 3 seconds.


  • This data sampling rate is applied to all server monitors that are subsequently activated. It is not applied to server monitors that have already been activated. To apply the new data sampling rate to activated server monitors, save your scenario and reopen it.

  • While many monitors use the value provided in this field, some monitors may use a different sampling rate than provided here. For example:

    • Minimum rates. Some monitors limit the minimum sampling period. For example, the Windows Resource monitor, limits the minimum sampling period to 3 seconds. If you set value to less than 3, the monitor still uses a 3 second interval.
    • Custom settings. Other monitors ignore Controller's settings and use a sampling rate defined in their own configuration files. For example, the minimum sampling rate for the Oracle monitor is 10 seconds. If the sampling rate is set here at less than 10 seconds, the Oracle Monitor continues to monitor data at 10 second intervals.
Load Generators Monitoring Enable LG Monitoring. (Enabled by default) Enables Controller to monitor the resource usage of Controller and load generators during a scenario. For details, see Controller and Load Generator Resources monitor.

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