Runtime Settings tab
This tab enables you to specify scenario runtime settings relating to Vuser quotas, loading mode, stopping Vusers, and the seed number for random sequences.
To access, select Tools > Options > Runtime Settings tab.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Defaults |
Sets the default runtime setting values. |
Vuser Quota |
To prevent your system from overloading, you can set quotas for Vuser activity. The Vuser quotas apply to Vusers on all load generators. Number of Vusers that may be initialized at one time - all load generators. The maximum number of Vusers the load generator can initialize at a time (when an Initialize command is sent). Default: 999
Vuser loading mode on the Load Generators |
Sets the way the Vusers are loaded in a manual scenario. There are two methods available:
When stopping Vusers |
Controls how Vusers stop running when the Stop button is clicked:
Use random sequence with seed |
Use a seed number for random sequencing. Each seed value represents one sequence of random values used for test execution. Whenever you use this seed value, the same sequence of values is assigned to the Vusers in the scenario. This setting applies to parameterized Vuser scripts using the Random method for assigning values from a data file. It also affects the random percentage of recorded think time. For more information, see the Runtime settings documentation in the VuGen Help Center. Enable this option if you discover a problem when running the test and want to repeat the test using the same sequence of random values. Default: 0 |
See also: