Timeout tab

This tab enables you to specify timeout values for certain commands related to the load generator.

To access
Tools > Options > Timeout tab
Important information
You can set the timeout interval for commands and Vuser elapsed time.
The command timeouts are the maximum time limits for various commands. When a command is issued by Controller, you set a maximum time for the load generator or Vuser to execute the command. If it does not complete the command within the timeout interval, Controller issues an error message.
Note: The number of active Vusers influences the timeout values. For example, 1000 Vusers trying to initialize takes much longer than 10 Vusers. To compensate for this, Controller adds an internal value, based on the number of active Vusers, to the specified timeout value.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Sets the default timeout values.
Command Timeout (seconds)
If Enable timeout checks is selected, this area defines how the status of load generators and Vusers are monitored after a command is issued by the Controller. If the load generator or Vuser does not complete the command within the timeout interval you specified, the Controller issues an error message.
If Enable timeout checks is not selected, Controller waits an unlimited time for the load generators to connect and disconnect, and for the Initialize, Run, Pause, and Stop commands to be executed.
Command Timeout: Load Generator
  • Connect. The time limit for connecting to any load generator. If a connection is not successful within this time, the status of the load generator changes to Failed.

    Default value: 120 seconds.
  • Disconnect. The time limit for disconnecting from any load generator. If a disconnection is not successful within this time, the status of the load generator changes to Failed.

    Default value: 120 seconds.
Command Timeout: Vuser
  • Init. The timeout value for the Initialize command.

    Default value: 180 seconds.
  • Run. The timeout value for the Run command.

    Default value: 120 seconds.
  • Pause. The timeout value for the Pause command.

    Default value: 120 seconds.
  • Stop. The timeout value for the Stop command.

    Default value: 120 seconds.
Update Vuser elapsed time every
The frequency for updateing the value displayed in the Elapsed Time column in the Vusers dialog box.
Default value: 4 seconds.
Example: If you select a Vuser and click the Initialize button, Controller checks whether the Vuser reaches the READY state within 180 seconds (the default Init timeout period); if it does not, Controller issues a message indicating that the Init command timed out.

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