Scenario Groups/Scripts pane - manual scenarios

This pane displays the Vuser groups/scripts that were added to the scenario.

To access
Manual Scenario > Design tab
Important information

The Design tab displays either the Scenario Groups pane or the Scenario Scripts pane, depending on the manual scenario mode.

  • Vuser Group mode: The actual number of Vusers assigned to the group. (default).

  • Percentage mode: The percentage of the total number of Vusers, assigned to the group.

For more information, see Manual scenarios.

Relevant tasks

Design a manual scenario

See also

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
Start Scenario. Starts running the scenario.

Virtual Users. Opens the Vusers dialog box where you can define properties for individual Vusers within a group. You can assign a different script or module, and load generator to each Vuser.
For user interface details, see Vusers dialog box.

Add Group.
  • Vuser Group mode: Opens the Add Group dialog box where you create Vuser groups for the scenario. See Add Group dialog box.

  • Percentage mode: Opens the Add Script dialog box where you select Vuser scripts for the scenario. See Add Script dialog box.

Remove Group. Deletes the selected Vuser group/script.

Runtime Settings. Opens the Runtime Settings dialog box.
  • When you modify the runtime settings from Controller, the script is run using the modified settings. To restore the initial settings that were assigned in VuGen, click the Refresh button and select Runtime Settings.

  • If runtime settings were not defined in VuGen for the current script, Controller uses default settings for Log and Think Time. Default VuGen settings are displayed for all other nodes.

For general information about runtime settings, see the Runtime settings documentation in the VuGen Help Center.

Parameter List. Opens the Parameter list dialog box where you can view and modify a script's parameter values.
see the Parameterization documentation in the VuGen Help Center

Details. Opens the Group/Script Information dialog box where you can view and modify the Vuser group/script's settings.

View Script. Opens the script in VuGen where you can view and edit the Vuser script.
Service Virtualization. Opens the Service Virtualization Setup dialog box. For details, see Service Virtualization Setup dialog box.
<Groups/Scripts list>
Displays the following information about the Vuser groups/scripts selected for the scenario:
  • . Indicates that the Vuser group/script is participating in the scenario.

  • Group/Script Name.The name of the Vuser group/script.

  • Script Path. The path of the Vuser script. An icon adjacent to the path, indicates whether the entry is a Vuser script , a unit test module , such as .NET or Java, or an OpenText Functional Testing test .

    If the Vuser group includes more than one script, the scripts' names are listed. Clicking the cell's drop-down arrow displays the scripts' full paths.

    If you want to access the script from a location that is relative to the current scenario folder, you can replace the actual path with the relative path. For details, see Relative paths for scripts.

  • Virtual Location. A drop-down list of all available Network Virtualization (NV) locations for the group. A icon next to the virtual location name indicates that the script is run according to the per Load Generator mode. For more details, see Per group versus per load generator.

    To run this script without NV, select None. Click Browse to open the Network Virtualization Settings dialog box.

  • Insights. When NV is activated, select the Insights checkbox to generate the NV Insights report. For details, see NV Insights report.

    Note: The Virtual Location and Insights columns are only available when the NV software is installed. These columns do not appear if you deactivate NV. To enable NV or edit the locations, see Virtual Locations Settings dialog box.

  • Quantity. (Vuser Group mode) The number of Vusers assigned to the Vuser group.

    This column is read-only when the defining a real-world schedule (default schedule). In this case, the quantity of Vusers is defined when designing the scenario schedule.

  • %. (Percentage mode) The percentage of Vusers assigned to run the Vuser script.

    If you modify the percentage assigned to one group, the percentages assigned to the other scripts change to create a total of 100% for all of the Vuser scripts.

    Note: Modify percentages to the scripts starting with the first script in the list and moving down the list.

  • Load Generators. The load generators assigned to the Vuser group/script.

    If you select multiple load generators for a group/script, the Vusers are distributed evenly among the load generators.

    Default value (in Percentage mode): All Load Generators

    Note: To add a load generator to this list, select Add from the list. For more details, see Add New Load Generator/Load Generator Information dialog box.

<Right-click menu>
  • Add Script. Opens the Add Script dialog box

    Remove Script. Removes the selected script.

  • Auto Sort. When adding a Vuser group/script, automatically sorts the table according to the defined sort.

  • Sort Groups/Scripts. Enables you to sort the table by Vuser group/script name, script path, quantity/percentage of Vusers, or load generator. To sort the table in ascending/descending order, click the relevant table heading.

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