Result Settings dialog box
This dialog box enables you to set the location where Controller saves scenario run results.
By default, the results directory is stored in your machine's temp folder. A subfolder is created using the result name, and all the gathered data is placed in that folder.
To access |
Results > Results Settings
Important information |
If you have an open connection to an OpenText Application Quality Management project, and the scenario is saved in that project, the results are saved to a test set in the OpenText Application Quality Management system. You can also save the results locally.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
File System / ALM button |
This button toggles between the possible save locations. The dialog box settings change, according to the current mode:
Result Name |
Specify a name for the run results folder. You can give a descriptive name to each result set. Descriptive names are especially useful for cross results analysis, in which the results of several scenario runs are superimposed in a single Analysis graph, allowing you to compare the results of multiple scenario runs. When comparing the results of scenario runs in Analysis, the graph displays all the result sets in different colors. Note: Use different names even when saving results in different folders. Since the Analysis graphs display only names and not the paths, distinguishing results is difficult if names are identical. |
Directory |
Specify a location in the Controller file system where results will be saved.
Test Sets
When displayed, select the relevant OpenText Application Quality Management test set. |
When displayed, select the relevant OpenText Application Quality Management instance. |
Automatically create a results directory for each scenario execution |
Enables creation of a unique results folder for each scenario run. By default, the result names are res1, res2, res3, and so on.
Automatically overwrite existing results directory without prompting for confirmation | Enables previous result sets to be overwritten automatically, without prompting for user confirmation. |
See also: