Set firewall monitoring preferences

After you have installed and configured the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent, the Monitors Over Firewall (MOFW) component, the MI Listener, and Controller machine, you can select the server measurements that the MOFW machine will monitor.

Configure monitors over a firewall

You select the type of monitors to run on each monitored server. You can then add or edit the measurements to monitor for each server, and specify the frequency with which you want the monitored measurements to be reported.

To configure monitors over a firewall:

  1. On the MOFW machine, open the Monitor Configuration dialog box from the Windows Start menu.

    For details on the dialog box, see Monitor Configuration dialog box.

  2. Click the Add button at the top of the Servers panel.

  3. In the New Monitored Servers Properties dialog box, in the Monitored Server field, enter the name or IP address of the server whose resources you want to monitor. To add several servers simultaneously, separate the server names or IP ranges with commas. For example:, server1, server2.

    For some monitors, for example, Dynatrace, Prometheus, or AppDynamics, the server name is not required at this point in the process. However, the Monitored Server field cannot remain empty, so you must enter some text into the field.

    Tip: For AppDynamics, it is recommended to enter the name of the monitored application in the Monitored Server field, as the application is not shown when the measurements are added.

  4. Select the relevant monitors in the Available Monitors list, and click OK.

  5. In the Monitor Configuration dialog box, the defined servers and monitors are added to the Monitored Servers tree. Select the required monitor in the tree.

    • If there is a successful server connection for the monitor, then the default measurements are automatically displayed in the Measurements to be Monitored section.

      For details about each monitor's default measurements, see the relevant reference section for the monitor.

    • For some monitors, for example, Dynatrace or AppDynamics, you need to add additional information to connect to the monitor and display measurements.

      To do this, click the Add button above the measurements panel and select the monitor from the dropdown list. Fill in the relevant information in the displayed dialog boxes to set up the monitor. For details on set up, see the relevant reference section for the monitor.

    • The Add button above the measurements panel can also be used to select additional measurements for monitors.

  6. For many measurements, you can specify the frequency for reporting data. Select one or more measurements in the Measurements to be Monitored list, and set the frequency in the Measurement Properties section.

  7. Click OK. When a scenario is run, the MOFW machine monitors the defined server measurements.

Tip: You can clone a monitored server's properties, and apply them to a different server:

  1. In the Monitored Servers tree, right-click a server name and select Clone.

  2. In the Monitored Server box, type the name or IP address of the server to which you want to add the cloned information.

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Monitor Configuration dialog box

Use the Monitor Configuration dialog box on the MOFW machine to configure monitors over a firewall.

To open the dialog box, search for Monitor Configuration in the Windows Start menu.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element

Left panel: Opens the New Monitored Server Properties dialog box, where you can define servers and monitors to add to the Monitored Servers tree.

Right panel: Enables you to open a dialog box for the selected monitor, where you can define connection details and select measurements.

Removes one or more servers or measurements.
Opens the Monitored Server Properties dialog box for the server, enabling you to add or remove monitors.
Measurement Properties pane

Allows you to set a measurement schedule for each measurement to be reported. Select the configured server measurement you want to schedule and specify the frequency at which you want the measurement reported.

Import / Export
Imports or exports the monitor configuration details, including the server and measurements, to/from an XML file.
Status Displays messages on the status of the connection to the server.

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See also: