Set up your system over firewalls

This section describe how to monitor over firewalls.


If you need to monitor servers that sit on the other side of a firewall, you need to set up your system properly. This includes:

  • installing and configuring a dedicated Monitor-Over-Firewall machine.

  • configuring the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent to communicate with the MI Listener (which serves as a router between the agent and Controller).

  • defining the server measurements that you want the Monitor-Over-Firewall machine to monitor.

To ensure a secure environment, you must also set up client-server authentication. OpenText Professional Performance Engineering provides a security solution based on an industry standard SSL/TLS library (OpenSSL), which includes both data encryption and authentication. Using this authentication method helps to protect your data from being exposed to third-parties, and to prevent your components from being used by unauthenticated users.

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Set up to work with firewalls

The MI Listener (MIL) and Monitors Over Firewall (MOFW) setup files are provided in the installation package's /Additional Components folder.

Note: IP addresses for over-firewall monitors and load generators display the IP address for the MI Listener, and not the actual host IP address.

To set up your system to work with firewalls:

  1. Install the over-firewall components.

    To enable over-firewall communication, ensure that you have installed the following components:

    • MI Listener. Serves as a router between Controller and the agent . You install the MIL component on a dedicated machine. To access the setup file, see Components and applications.

    • Note:  

      • You can also use the Controller machine as the MI Listener without the need for a separate installation. When acting as the MI Listener, the Controller machine cannot have Vusers running on it. In this case, Controller must be a pure Controller and not a Controller + load generator.

      • If the Controller machine is using secure channel communication, the MI Listener should not be installed on the same machine as Controller.
    • Monitors Over Firewall component. Used to monitor the servers that are located over a firewall. You install the MOFW component on a dedicated machine. To access the setup file, see Components and applications.

  2. Perform the initial configuration of the over-firewall system.

    See Set up an over-firewall deployment.

  3. Configure the agent.

    Configure the agent on the MOFW machine as well as on each load generator machine that will be running over the firewall, to communicate with the MIL.

    See Configure the agent over firewalls.

  4. Connect Controller to the load generator and MIL machines.

    Configure Controller to recognize the load generator and MIL machines, and then verify the connection between the machines.

    See Create and verify the connection between Controller and agent machines.

  5. Define what to monitor on your servers.

    Choose the server measurements that you want your MOFW machine to monitor.

    See Set firewall monitoring preferences.

  6. Check connectivity.

    After installing and configuring all the necessary components, check that you are able to establish a connection between the agent , the MIL, and the Controller machine. If you have difficulties, see Known issues for firewalls.

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See also: