Agent Configuration Settings dialog box
Define relevant settings to enable the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent on Windows machines.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element |
Description |
MI Listener Name
The name, full name, or IP address for the MI Listener machine.
Use IPv6
Select this option to use IPv6 format for connections to the MI Listener machine. |
Local Machine Key
A symbolic string identifier used to establish a unique connection between the Controller host and the agent machine, through the MI Listener machine.
Connection Timeout (seconds)
The length of time you want the agent to wait before retrying to connect to the MI Listener machine. If zero, the connection is kept open from the time the agent is run.
Default value: 20 seconds
MI Listener User Name/Password
The credentials needed to connect to the MI Listener machine.
Server Domain
The domain name needed to connect to the MI Listener machine. This field is required only if NTLM is used.
Connection Type - TCP/HTTP
Select either TCP or HTTP, depending on the configuration you are using.
Default: TCP
Connection Type - HTTP
Proxy Name. The name of the proxy server.
This field is mandatory if the Connection Type setting is HTTP.
Proxy Port. The proxy server connection port.
This field is mandatory if the Connection Type setting is HTTP.
Proxy User Name/Password. The credentials of a user with connection rights to the proxy server.
- Proxy Domain. The user's domain if defined in the proxy server configuration. This option is required only if NTLM is used.
Use Secure Connection (SSL)
Enable connection using the TLS (formally SSL) protocol.
Default: Disabled
If you enable this option, enter the following information:
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