OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent Runtime Settings dialog box

By default, you need to manually log on to a load generator machine before it can run Vusers.

This dialog box allows you to switch from manual process to service, by setting up an automatic login so that it is not necessary to manually log on each time.

To access

Do one of the following on the load generator machine:

  • Search for OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent Runtime Settings Configuration in the Windows Start menu.

  • Run <installdir>\launch_service\bin\Magentconfig.exe.

Important information
  • When created, the Load Testing Agent Service starts with the LocalSystem.
  • After configuring the automatic login, you must reboot and log on to the system at least once.
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Allow virtual users to run on this machine without user login

Allows an automatic login to the network from the agent machine, so that Vusers can run without any manual intervention.

Domain. The network domain upon which the user machine resides.

User. The user name required to run the Vusers.

Password. The password for the specified user.

Manual log in to this machine

Enables a prompt for a manual login for each Vuser run.

This is the default option for load generators installed as part of OpenText Professional Performance Engineering installation.

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