SNMP Resource monitoring
This topic describes the scope of the SNMP monitor.
SNMP monitor measurements
The SNMP Resource monitor shows statistics for a Windows or UNIX machine using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The SNMP Resources monitor is available for monitoring any machine that runs an SNMP agent.
Enable the SNMP monitor
The SNMP monitor is disabled by default. You can enable the monitor by performing the following steps.
To enable the SNMP monitor:
Navigate to the DVD\lrunner\Common\snmp_monitors folder in the downloaded installation package.
Copy the contents of the bin, dat, and lr_ext folders to the corresponding folders in the installation folder. For example, copy all files from DVD\lrunner\Common\snmp_monitors\bin to <installdir>\bin.
Set the EnableUI flag to 1 in the SNMP section of the online_resource_graphs.def file in the <installdir>\dat\online_graphs folder:
Restart the Controller.
See also: