Data Hub Configuration dialog box

Define relevant settings for the Performance Engineering Data Hub server connection on Windows machines.

To access

On the load generator machine, in the Agent Configuration dialog box, select Through Performance Engineering Data Hub and click Settings.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Data Hub Server Address

The address of the Data Hub server, including the hostname, domain (if relevant), and port number. You can enter a list of addresses, separated by commas.

Load Generator Name

The name of this load generator. This name is used to connect to Controller through the Data Hub channel.

The hostname of the machine is filled in by default, but you can change this value.

Connect via Data Hub Web Connector

Enable this option to connect using the Data Hub Web Connector. If you enable this option, enter the Data Hub Web Connector address, including the hostname, domain (if relevant), and port number.

If you are connecting via a proxy, enter the proxy details.

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