Splunk monitor

The integration with Splunk enables you to view metrics collected by the Splunk Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool. The data is displayed in Controller and Analysis graphs.

Tip: The integration with Splunk is bi-directional. You can also configure Controller to send real-time data and metrics from scenario runs to Splunk. For details, see Integration with Splunk.

Set up the Splunk monitor

Set up the Splunk monitor to request reported data from Splunk APM. For each Splunk host, you define the metrics for which you want to view data.

To set up the Splunk monitor:

  1. In Controller, on the Run tab, select Graphs > Splunk Graphs > Splunk.

    The Splunk graph display box opens in the display area.

  2. In the graph display box, click Add measurements.

  3. In the Splunk dialog box > Monitored Server Machines pane, click Add. The Connect to Splunk dialog box opens.

  4. Define the following to set up the connection to the Splunk server.

    Tip: You can save the information and credentials as a profile in the Monitor Credentials Manager, so that you can reuse it later. For details, see Monitor Credentials Manager.

    To use a saved profile to connect, select Use profiles from Monitor Credentials Manager and choose the profile you want to use from the list.

    Field Details
    Server The Splunk server address (IP or FQDN).

    The port used to connect to Splunk. By default, port 8089 is used.

    Use HTTPS Select to use HTTPS when connecting to Splunk. By default, HTTPS must be used.
    Username Splunk username.
    Password Splunk password.
  5. Click Select Index and select the index you want to include in the monitor.

  6. Click Select Host and select the host you want to include in the monitor.

  7. Click Save. The selected index and host are added to the Monitored Server Machines pane in the Splunk dialog box.

  8. To define measurements for the selected index and host, click Add in the Resource Measurements area.

    The Select measurements dialog box opens. It lists the available measurements for the selected index and host.

  9. Select the relevant measurements and click Add. The measurements are added to the Selected metrics list.

  10. Click OK. The measurements are displayed in the Resource Measurements pane of the Splunk dialog box.

  11. When done, click OK in the Splunk dialog box.

  12. (Optional) The Splunk data points are sent every 60 seconds. To ensure all available data is displayed, OpenText recommends setting the graph to show the results from a larger time frame, such as the entire load test.

    1. In the Splunk graph display box, click the Configuration button and select Settings.

    2. In the settings pane, set Graph Time to Whole Load Test.

    3. Click Save.

    When you run the scenario, after some brief processing, Controller displays metrics in the Splunk graph.


    • It takes a few minutes until Controller receives valid data for the test in progress. After this delay, the graph starts displaying metrics, using the timestamps from the Splunk machine. The timestamps for the data points in the graph will therefore be a few minutes older than the time on the Controller machine.

    • If you set up the monitor using the over-firewall components, then the MI Listener uses the timestamp of the request for data, and not the Splunk timestamp for the metrics. So you will not see a "delay" for the data points in the graph.

      In addition, the data points in the graph will be more frequent than the data collected by Controller, due to the more frequency polling rate defined on the MOFW machine.

      For details, see Set up your system over firewalls.

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See also: