Run scenarios with wlrun command

You can run scenarios from the command line using the wlrun command.

Use the wlrun command to invoke Controller

You can invoke Controller from the command line by typing wlrun in the command line, followed by the relevant arguments.

Note: Before invoking Controller using wlrun, you should be familiar with the rules relating to command line arguments. For details, see Notes for test runs with the wlrun command.

For example, to run the Scenario.lrs scenario, enter the following command:

wlrun -TestPath <installdir>\scenario\Scenario.lrs -Run

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wlrun runtime arguments

The following sections describe the runtime arguments.

General arguments

These arguments specify the runtime related scenario settings. For more information on scenario settings, see Before running your scenario.


Path to the scenario, for example, <installdir>\scenario\Scenario.lrs

If the path includes blank spaces, use quotation marks.

Runs the scenario, dumps all output messages into res_dir\output.txt, and closes Controller
Invoke Analysis upon scenario termination. If this argument is not specified, the scenario default setting is used.
SilentMode Suppresses the pop-up message which normally appears in the UI when Analysis is automatically invoked upon scenario termination.
Full results path. For example, "C:\Temp\Res_01"
Results name. For example, "Res_01"
Results folder. For example, "C:\Temp"

OpenText Application Quality Management arguments

These arguments define the integration with OpenText Application Quality Management. For more information about this integration, see Manage scenarios using OpenText Application Quality Management.

Specifies whether Controller should connect to OpenText Application Quality Management on startup (0/1 or ON/OFF)
Server name of machine where OpenText Application Quality Management is installed
OpenText Application Quality Management database name. Use the format: <Domain name>.<Project name>.
User name for connecting to OpenText Application Quality Management.
Password corresponding to the user name
Path to scenario in OpenText Application Quality Management database. For example,
If path includes blank spaces, use quotation marks.
Test ID
For use with ResultCycle only. Example: "Res1"
OpenText Application Quality Management cycle. For example, "LR_20_SP1_247"
Note: The ResultCycle and ResultCleanName arguments are required if you want to store the results within the OpenText Application Quality Management database.

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Notes for test runs with the wlrun command

When you invoke Controller from the command line using wlrun, consider the following:

  • Only one instance of Controller can run at a time.

  • The arguments are case sensitive.

  • If Controller is invoked with no arguments in the command line, Controller uses its default settings.

  • Controller always overwrites results.

  • Controller automatically terminates upon scenario termination and results are collected. If you don't want Controller to automatically terminate upon scenario termination, add the flag -DontClose to the command line.

  • Controller launched through the command line behaves normally except when using the -Run option. Using the -Run option, dialogs and message boxes that usually open and require the user to close them in a usual launch, do not open in a command line launch.

  • When Analysis is started from the command line, use the -SilentMode argument to suppress the pop-up message which normally appears in the UI.

  • Controller's settings are loaded from wlrun7.ini, located in the <installdir>\config folder.

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See also: