Prepare a scenario to run

This task describes configurations and customizations you can set up before you start running your scenario.

Specify result file name and location

You can define the location where Controller saves scenario run results, and specify a descriptive name for each result set.

You can also use one of OpenText's web-based test management programs, for example, OpenText Application Quality Management, to store results to a project.

For details, see Result Settings dialog box.

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Specify scenario runtime settings

You can instruct Controller to allow an individual Vuser or the Vusers in a group to complete the iterations they are running before stopping, to complete the actions they are running before stopping, or to stop running immediately. For details, see Runtime Settings tab.

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Specify file transfer settings

You can specify the transfer of the runtime files to each load generator that runs that script, before running the scenario. You can also set whether to transfer the .dat parameter files. For details, see Runtime File Storage tab.

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Set up the monitoring environment

You can view data generated during the scenario run using the online monitors. Some monitors require configuration, including setting up the monitoring environment before the run, and specifying the server machines and measurements to monitor.

For details, see Configure monitors.

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Configure automatic collation

With automatic collation enabled for scenarios, Controller collates results from all load generators when using the local machine file storage setting. You can manually deactivate this option to prevent automatic collation.

In addition, you can specify which types of data to include in the collation and when to do the collation—At runtime or At the end of the test. For details, see Collate scenario run results.

If you deactivate automatic collation, you can manually collate the results after the scenario run is complete.

When automatic collation is enabled, Auto Collate Results is displayed in the status bar.

To set a post-collation command, select Tools > Options > Execution tab, and enter the command in the Post Collate Command box. For details, see Execution tab.

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Change web page diagnostics settings

Web page diagnostics data is collected to help you assess the performance of web pages in your script and analyze any problematic elements, like images that download slowly or broken links.

You can change the default sample percentage, or deactivate web page diagnostics data collection entirely. For details, see Web page diagnostics.

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Enable Auto Load Analysis

To invoke Analysis as soon as the scenario is finished running, select Results > Auto Load Analysis.

When this is enabled, Auto Load Analysis is displayed in the status bar.

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Schedule scenario

You define the scenario schedule to select the scenario type, and schedule actions and Vusers for the scenario. You can also add disruption events.

For details, see Define a schedule for the scenario.

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Provide scenario summary information

You can enter summary information to be provide a description of the scenario. Select Scenario > Summary Information.

For details, see Summary Information dialog box.

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Set up the scenario to run MMS (Media Player)

Note: This protocol is currently supported for replay only. All support will be removed in a future version.

  • When running a scenario in Controller for an MMS script, the scenario may fail if the runtime setting Network >Speed Simulation is not set to Use maximum bandwidth, and Miscellaneous >Multithreading setting is not "Run Vuser as a process".
  • If you specify a non-default bandwidth in the runtime settings, the Vuser may cause an error during replay.
  • If MMS scripts fail with the error: Error -86801:Host access denied, <hostname> not available or missing, add the mms_disable_host_check function to the script.

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Set up the scenario to run GUI Vusers

If you have integrated an OpenText Functional Testing script into the scenario:

  • Set up runtime settings for the script in OpenText Functional Testing. Runtime settings from OpenText Professional Performance Engineering are not applied to the scripts.

  • Ensure that OpenText Functional Testing is closed before running the scenario.
  • Note: You can run only one GUI Vuser concurrently per machine.

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See also: