Web Application Server monitoring
You use Web Application Server Resource monitors to monitor Microsoft Active Server Pages during a scenario run and isolate application server performance bottlenecks.
The Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) monitor displays statistics about the resource usage on the ASP server during the scenario run.
Microsoft Active Server Pages dialog box
This dialog box enables you to select the items to monitor on the MS Active Server Pages application server.
To access:
Right-click a graph and select Add Measurements
Click Add in the Resource Measurements section of Microsoft Active Server Pages dialog.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Add | Adds the selected measurement to the list of measurements in the Measurements on <machine> section of the Microsoft Active Server Pages dialog box. |
Counters |
Select a resource counter to monitor. Select multiple counters using the CTRL key. For a definition of each counter, click Explain.
Instances |
If multiple instances of the selected counter are running, select one or more instances to monitor for the selected counter.
Object |
Select the object being monitored on the specified machine.
MS Active Server Pages performance counters
The following table describes the default counters that can be monitored:
Errors per Second
The number of errors per second.
Requests Wait Time
The number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
Requests Executing
The number of requests currently executing.
Requests Queued
The number of requests waiting in the queue for service.
Requests Rejected
The total number of requests not executed because there were insufficient resources to process them.
Requests Not Found
The number of requests for files that were not found.
The number of requests executed per second.
Memory Allocated
The total amount of memory, in bytes, currently allocated by Active Server Pages.
Errors During Script
Runtime |
The number of failed requests due to runtime errors.
Sessions Current
The current number of sessions being serviced.
The number of transactions started per second.
See also:
- Configure monitors
- Development window