Known issues for Network Delay Time monitor
This section describes troubleshooting for the Network Delay Time monitor.
If monitoring is unsuccessful and Controller cannot locate the source or destination machines, make sure that the specified machines are available to your machine. Perform a "ping" operation.
At the command line prompt, type Ping server_name
To check the entire network path, use the trace route utility to verify that the path is valid.
For Windows, type tracert <server_name>
For Linux, type traceroute <server_name>
If the monitoring problem persists once you verify that the machines are accessible and that the network path is valid, perform the following procedures:
If you are using the TCP protocol, run <<installdir>\bin\webtrace.exe from the source machine to determine whether the problem is related to Controller, or the WebTrace technology on which the Network Delay monitor is based. If you are using the UDP or ICMP protocols, the problem must be related to Controller and not WebTrace, since these protocols are not WebTrace technology-based.
If you receive results by running webtrace.exe, the problem is related to Controller. Verify that the source machine is not a Linux machine, and contact Customer Support with the following information:
the Controller log file, drv_log.txt, located in the temp folder of the Controller machine.
the traceroute_server log file, located on the source machine.
the debug information located in the TRS_debug.txt and WT_debug.txt files in the path folder. These files are generated by adding the following line to the [monitors_server] section of the <installdir>\dat\mdrv. file, and rerunning the Network monitor:
ExtCmdLine=-traceroute_debug path
If you do not receive results by running webtrace.exe, the problem is related to the WebTrace technology, on which the Network Delay monitor is based. Perform the following procedures on the source machine:
Verify that the packet.sys file (the Webtrace driver) exists in the WINNT\system32\drivers folder.
Check whether a driver (such as "Cloud" or "Sniffer") is installed on top of the network card driver. If so, remove it and run WebTrace again.
Verify that there are administrator permissions on the machine.
ipconfig /all
, check that only one IP address is assigned to the network card. WebTrace does not know how to handle multiple IP addresses assigned to the same card (IP spoofing). -
Check the number of network cards installed. Run
webtrace –devlist
to receive a list of the available network cards. -
If there is more than one card on the list, run
webtrace -dev <dev_name> <destination>
, where<dev_name>
is one of the network card names shown in the list. If you discover that WebTrace is binding to the wrong card, you can usewebtrace set_device <dev_name>
to set a registry key that instructs WebTrace to use a specified card instead of the default one. -
Verify that the network card is of the Ethernet type.
Contact Customer Support with the output of
webtrace.exe –debug
(for example,webtrace.exe –debug
) andipconfig /all
on the machine.
See also: