Run tab
The Run tab enables you to run and monitor scenarios.
To access |
Run tab
Relevant tasks |
User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):
UI Element
Start Scenario |
Instructs Controller to initialize the Vusers and distribute them to their designated load generators, where they begin running their Vuser scripts.
Stop Stop Now |
Terminates the scenario.
The behavior depends on your selection in the Tools > Options > Runtime Settings tab:
For more information about the runtime settings options, see Runtime Settings tab.
Reset | Resets all Vuser groups to the Down status. |
Vusers | Opens the Vusers dialog box, where you can view the status of each of the Vusers in a Vuser group. |
Run/Stop Vusers | Opens the Run/Stop Vusers dialog box, where you can activate additional Vusers. |
Pause Scheduler Resume Scheduler |
Pauses or resumes the scenario schedule.
<Graph Legend> |
Displays statistics for the selected graph. For more information, see Online monitor graphs.
<Graph Viewing Pane> |
Displays the graphs that are listed in the Available Graphs pane. For more information, see View and customize online monitor graphs. Default: Displays four graphs. |
Available Graphs |
Displays the available online monitor graphs. For more information, see Monitor and graph types.
Scenario Groups pane |
Displays each Vuser group and it's current status. For more information. see Scenario Groups pane.
Scenario Status pane |
Displays a synopsis of the running scenario. For more information, see Scenario Status pane.
See also: