Analysis API Reference

The Analysis API enables you to write programs that perform some of the functions of the Analysis user interface. Among other capabilities, the API allows you to create an unattended analysis session from test results, analyze raw results of an Analysis session, and extract key session measurements for use in external applications.

You can also use the API to launch an application from Controller at the completion of a test, for custom extraction of the results data.

To download the API help, Analysis API Reference, see Download Help Centers.

After download, access the help from the Windows Start menu on the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering machine.

Notes and limitations

  • The Analysis API is supported for 32-bit environments only. If you use Visual Studio to develop your script, make sure to define the platform as x86 in the project options.
  • When OpenText Professional Performance Engineering and OpenText Functional Testing for Developers are installed on the same machine, before invoking the Analysis API from an external code or plugin (for example, Jenkins), make sure that OpenText Functional Testing for Developers is excluded from the PATH environment variable on the virtual machine. For more information, see this Knowledge Base article.