About licenses

To run Vusers with Controller there must be a valid OpenText Professional Performance Engineering license installed on the Controller machine. The Community license is automatically installed during setup.

License bundles

There are several types of license bundles available.

The Community license is free of charge, and is installed with your installation. It enables the following protocol usage:

  • Community: 50 Vusers for all protocols, including Gatling and JMeter, with the exception of the COM/DCOM, Templates, and GUI bundles.
  • Mobile UI: Unlimited Vusers

Other bundles allow you to run additional Vusers on selected protocols.

For details on available bundles, see License Bundles.

Note: When using Noise scenarios, for each valid license you can run 10 noise generator-type Vusers.

To obtain and install additional licenses, see Install licenses.

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License types

The following types of licenses are available:

Type Description

This license does not expire - there is no time limit to the license validity.

Evaluation This license enables potential customers to evaluate OpenText Professional Performance Engineering functionality.
Time Limited

This license is valid for a limited period only.


A VUFD (Virtual User Flex Day) license is issued with a limited capacity of Vusers that can be used on a flexible basis.

For details, see VUFD license.

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VUFD license

A VUFD license provides you with a specified number of VUFDs. A VUFD is a Vuser that can be used for a single 24-hour period. During that 24-hour period, the Vuser can be run an unlimited number of times.

  • VUFD licenses are considered Term Subscription licenses. Each VUFD on the license is valid for 24 hours after its first execution.
  • VUFD licenses are time-limited. They generally expire one (1) year after the date of purchase, if not consumed.

  • Support is included in VUFD licenses, but there is no rehosting of the licenses.

Calculating VUFD usage

When calculating VUFD usage, it is determined by the number of Vusers run (or, in the case of concurrent usage, the maximum number of concurrent running Vusers) during the 24-hour period after a scenario was started. This number of Vusers run is subtracted from the total number of licensed VUFDs. Consumed VUFDs are deducted from the license at the start of the following day.

A VUFD is considered to be run as soon as the Vuser reaches the Initialization status in a scenario. If a Vuser is stopped or fails after it reaches initialization status, and is then restarted in the same run, that counts as usage of two VUFDs.

For the calculation of VUFDs consumed from a license, you can specify at what time each new day begins. To change the time at which a new day begins, select VUFDs will begin at <time> in the License Utility. For details, see License Utility.

If a scenario is in progress during the time of the calculation (the time at which you set a new day to begin), Vusers running in the scenario will be included in the calculation for both days on which the scenario ran. For example, if you launch a scenario with 40 Vusers and it runs for 30 hours, then you will have used 40 Vusers on two days, for a total of 80 VUFDs consumed from the license.

Example: You have a VUFD license with 1,000 VUFDs. You create a performance test that requires 200 Vusers and runs for 45 minutes. You run the test at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, and at 4:00 pm. In each case, the test finishes before the next one begins. Because there is no concurrent Vuser usage, you can reuse the same 200 VUFDs for each test run, meaning that at the end of the 24-hour period, only 200 VUFDs are deducted from the license, leaving 800 for future use.

However, if you start the second run at 8:30 am, the first test is still running before the second test initializes. This overlap requires 400 Vusers to run concurrently (200 for each test). At the end of the day, 400 VUFDs are deducted from the license, because that is the highest number of concurrent Vusers. The total left for future use is 600 VUFDs.

To purchase VUFD licenses, see Product Inquiry.

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License consumption

  • A multi-protocol Vuser runs only if licenses are available for all protocols in the Vuser script.
  • If a multi-protocol script contains protocols from several bundles, you need licenses for both bundles to run the Vuser script. The license for each Vuser is subtracted from all relevant bundles. If, at a certain point, the license of one of the bundles runs out, the Vuser will start to fail, even if there are still valid licenses for some of the other protocols.
  • If you purchased licenses for several different bundles (such as Web 2.0 and Oracle E-business) or several different license types (such as Time Limited and VUFD) that share common protocols, and you want to run Vusers that belong to both bundles/types, the licenses are consumed in the following order:

    1. License type:

      1. Evaluation license

      2. Time Limited license

      3. VUFD license

      Example: If you run 500 Vusers on a particular day, and you have a valid Time Limited license for 400 Vusers and a VUFD license with 200 VUFDs, then 400 Vusers are counted on the Time Limited license, and 100 VUFDs are deducted from the VUFD license.

    2. Protocol amount: The bundle with the smaller number of protocols will be consumed before the bundle with a larger number of protocols.
    3. Capacity: The license with the larger capacity will be consumed before the license with the lower capacity.

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See also: