Messages 27141 Through 27160

Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.

Message Code 27145

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument_list_ld') does not end with a slash ('/'). An ending slash is added.

The specified argument is invalid as a base directory name. It should end with a slash (e.g., "").

Message Code 27146

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument_list_ld') does not start with "http://" or "https://", or the host name is missing or invalid

The specified argument is invalid as a base directory name. It should start with a valid "scheme" (http or https) followed by "://" and a valid server name and another slash (e.g., "").


  • Change the argument value to specify a valid base.

Message Code 27149

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument_list_ld') is not allowed within a concurrent group

Some arguments (e.g., EXTRARES) are not allowed within a concurrent group (i.e., between web_concurrent_start and the nearest following web_concurrent_end). This is probably due to a manual change (e.g., copying a function into a concurrent group or adding a concurrent group around a given set of functions.


  • Undo any manual changes made to the function.

  • You can move the function having EXTRARES outside of the concurrent group.

  • You can split the function having EXTRARES into multiple web_url function calls, as follows:

    web_url ("stepname", "URL=from original function", "Referer=from original function, even if empty, or its URL when OMITTED", "Resource=1", "Mode=HTTP", LAST); 

    and then remove the entire EXTRARES group from the original function.

  • You can remove the concurrent group statements (web_concurrent_start and the nearest following web_concurrent_end).

Message Code 27151

The "URL" argument is missing or empty (before the 'argument' argument number 'argument_list_ld')

A non-empty "URL" argument must be specified.


  • Add a non-empty "URL" argument immediately before the specified position in the argument list.
  • Delete any arguments within the item ending at the specified position, including the "ENDITEM" itself.

Message Code 27152

"Value" should be specified, even as an empty string (before the 'argument' argument number 'argument_list_ld')

The "Value" argument cannot be omitted, and should be specified, even as an empty string (i.e., "Value=").


  • Add a "Value" argument, specifying an empty or a non-empty string.

Message Code 27153

Either "Name" or at least one of "NamePfx" and "NameSfx" should be non-empty (before the 'argument' argument number 'argument_list_ld')

An empty value was was detected before the argument. Either "Name", or one or both of "NamePfx" and "NameSfx" must contain non-empty (and not space-only) value(s).


  • Add either a "Name" argument, or "NamePfx" and/or "NameSfx" argument(s).

Message Code 27154

"Name" and "NamePfx"/"NameSfx" are mutually exclusive (before the 'argument' argument number 'argument_list_ld')

You cannot mix argument groups. Specify either "Name", or one or both of "NamePfx" and "NameSfx" before the specified argument.


  • Remove either the "Name" argument, or "NamePfx" and/or "NameSfx" argument(s).

Message Code 27155

'argument' (argument number 'argument_list_ld') is empty or all white spaces

The argument is either empty, or its value consists only of "white spaces" (regular spaces / tabs / new-line characters). An argument, once specified, must have a value that consists of at least one non-space character.


  • Check the intended value for this argument. If the intended value is empty or you do not need this argument, remove it.
  • Specify a non-empty value consisting of at least one non-space character.

Message Code 27156

The BodyFilePath argument is mutually exclusive with Body, BodyBinary, BodyUnicode, RAW_BODY_START and Binary=1

The BodyFilePath argument indicates that the body of the request should be taken from the specified file. The other listed arguments refer to the body being specified in-line via the function arguments themselves. These two sets of options are mutually exclusive. If the intention was to indicate that the contents of the file are binary or Unicode, this is not supported.


  • If the body of the request should be taken from a file, leave the BodyFilePath argument and remove all the other listed arguments.
  • If the body of the request is specified by the function arguments, remove the BodyFilePath argument.

Message Code 27157

'argument name' is invalid when Mode='mode type' is specified or defaulted (e.g., within a concurrent group)

The argument is mutually exclusive with Run Mode, regardless of whether the Mode is explicitly specified or is defaulted. Note that "Mode=HTTP" is FORCED by web_concurrent_start.


  • Remove the offending argument.

Message Code 27158

Internal error in 'function name'.

An internal error has occurred in the specified internal function. This is related to search functions such as web_reg_save_param, web_create_html_param, web_create_html_param_ex or web_reg_find and/or by the ContentCheck feature.


  • Try to comment out some search functions that apply to the failing script functions (that come before it in the script without any intervening "action" function).
  • Disable some ContentCheck Applications/Rules or the entire ContentCheck feature.
  • If that fails, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the internal error message returned.

Message Code 27159

'function name' failed: Too many simultaneous searches.

The specified internal function failed. Too many searches were requested by functions such as web_reg_save_param, web_create_html_param, web_create_html_param_ex, or web_reg_find and/or by the ContentCheck feature.


  • Reduce the number of search functions that apply to the failing script functions (that come before it in the script without any intervening "action" function).
  • Disable some ContentCheck Applications/Rules or the entire ContentCheck feature.
  • If that fails, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the internal error message returned.

Message Code 27160

Out of memory.

Insufficient memory for performing an operation.


  • Check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes running on the machine.
  • Restart the computer and replay the script again.
  • If the problem persists, reduce the number of virtual users that you are running on the same machine.