Messages 27221 Through 27240

Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.

Message Code 27221

Invalid value for the 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld')

The value of the argument specified is invalid. The argument Id specifies the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Specify a valid value for the offending argument. For more information on argument values, refer to the Function Reference.

Message Code 27223

Invalid Info Type (argument number 1)

The first argument in the web_get_int_property function is not of a supported type.


  • For a list of supported types, refer to the web_get_int_property function in the Function Reference.

Message Code 27224

Invalid Snapshot (argument number 'argument ld'). The "t<number>.inf" file is incorrectly formatted.

The argument specifying the Snapshot filename is invalid. The argument Id specifies the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • If the snapshot is not essential, remove the offending parameter from the argument list.
  • Otherwise, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.

Message Code 27225

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') is not recognized within 'argument group'

The argument, in the position denoted by the argument Id, is not recognized as a valid argument. 'Argument group' specifies the group when the offending argument is found or is NULL (for no special group).


  • Check that the argument is spelled correctly.
  • If the argument group is not NULL, check that the offending argument is specified within the correct group in the argument list.

Message Code 27226

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') is unrecognized or misplaced

The specified argument is not recognized as a valid argument, or is in the wrong group in the argument list. The argument Id specifies the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Check that the argument is spelled correctly.
  • Check that the argument is within the correct group in the argument list.

Message Code 27227

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') must be "1" or "0"

The argument Id specifies the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Change the offending argument to "1" or "0".

Message Code 27228

Invalid Ordinal

The "Ordinal" argument value must be a positive number greater than 0 (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ... , n).


  • Enter an "Ordinal" argument value that is greater than 0.

Message Code 27229

web_save_header ('header') is turned off. Saving headers is not supported within concurrent groups

The web_save_header function cannot be performed for web requests within a concurrent group.


  • Move the web_save_header function so that it comes after the web_concurrent_end call.

Message Code 27230

Argument number 1 is not NULL and argument number 2 is neither NULL nor LAST

If the first argument is a non-NULL string, the second argument must be either NULL or LAST.


  • Specify the first argument as NULL, or
  • Specify the first argument as a non-NULL string, and the second argument as NULL or LAST.

Message Code 27231

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') is not NULL

The argument Id specifies the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Ensure that the specified argument in web_concurrent_end is NULL.

Message Code 27232

No prior requests have been successfully registered

Failed to register prior requests because the concurrent group did not include web requests.


  • Delete the concurrent group, or add web requests to this group.

Message Code 27234

Adding the cookie failed

The web_add_cookie failed to add the specified cookie to the internal cookie list.


  • Check that the "Cookie" argument format is valid. For more information on the argument format, refer to the web_iadd_cookie function in the Function Reference.

Message Code 27235

NULL user and/or password

One or both of the "username" and "password" arguments are NULL. These arguments cannot contain NULL strings.


  • Specify the "username" and "password" arguments as non-NULL strings.

Message Code 27236

Host is NULL or empty

The "hostname" argument specified in web_set_user must be denoted by a non-empty string.


  • Specify the third argument in the web_set_user function in the format "host:port" or "host". The host must be a non-empty string. The port must be either:
    1. specified as a positive number greater than 0.
    2. unspecified (in which case the default port will be used).

Message Code 27237

Cookie is NULL or empty


  • Specify the "Cookie" argument in web_add_cookie as a non-empty string.

Message Code 27240

AddAuthEntry failed

The web_set_user function failed to add the specified authorization entry to the internal authorization list.


  • Check that the "username" and the "host:port" arguments are specified as non-empty strings.